Search for the Earthborn


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Darius was drowning under the sea. Being in ice for as long as he can remember wasn't fun. He struggled to get back up, but couldn't. He decided to let himself drown, knowing he would not survive this.

Flash then saw spalshing and flailing in the water. He junped him and ran over to the drowning person seeing one of his fellow Emementborns, Darius. He brought him over to where Aqua was, by the fire, and awaited their awakening.

"Darn! I forgot all about his pyrophobia (fear of fire)" Flash ran off with Aqua into the cave. Soon enough they met up with Darius, frightened out of his mind.

Era closed her eyes as she flew through the air, happy to in the air again. As she flew she thought she saw a few people below and decided to go and see.

Name: Kanon

Age (not including the 100 years): 13

Element: Sunborn (is this okay?)

Looks: Dark black hair, which is tied back into a long ponytail that goes to the middle of her back. Kanon has red eyes due to the solar power burning within her. She's about 5'3 and normally is costumed in a regular sailor fuku.

Personality: A sort of tomboyish type of girl who is actually sorta girly in some ways, like she can't stand disgusting things like tarantulas and such. But then she is rather tough and isn't bothered too much if she accidentally destroys things, which is why she got locked away in the first place. She has a good sense of justice, but unfortunately, she has a short temper, and an uncontrollable power..

Other: Very powerful solar power, which comes out similar to fire but is much hotter and powerful. Since the sun fuels all life on Earth, Kanon is a living energy tank, and can never run out of her power or die. She can turn herself into huge fireballs and attack as such. Being able to have such an assortment of powers have allowed her to really become quite powerful.

Short History: When she was first born, she was okay- a cute, little girl who was innocent. Unfortunately, by the time she was 5, she was a disaster. She was a wanted criminal at the age of 5, burning down villages and forests and CITIES by accident. She managed to go on the run until she was 12, when somebody finally shoved her into a chest and locked her away in a volcano. Bad news, since she just woke up, and is on her way to freedom...

Occ: Runner, you are accepted.)

Aqua began dragging Darius out of the cave sligly annoyed with him.

Flash laughed and told Darius, "It's just us, Flash and Aqua. Huh? what's that? it looks like a bird but........ ERA!!??!?!?" Flash yelled in amazement. The other Elementborns were popping out of nowhere fast.

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Kanon crawled out of the chest that had been holding her for all those years. She opened her mouth in a yawn, and quickly observed her surroundings. "Ah, looks like I'm in the crater of Mt. Granite.. Well.." She touched the lava, unaffected by it's heat. With a smirk on her face, she began to spin in the lava so rapidly that a hurricane made of lava rather than water appeared. Soon, the Mt. erupted and she was free.

Aqua accidently drops Darius and starts waving to Era. "IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU ERA!!!!!! I ALMOST THOUGHT I'LD BE STUCK WITH THESE TWO FOREVER!!!!!!!." she blushes then adds. "No offense guys." and grins.

Kanon began to trek out of the mountains when a certain cave caught her eye. She looked up at the sun shining above her, and then, without hesitating, she spun into a fireball. Blazing at the low speed of 25 mph, she made her way to the cave. When she got to be at least 10 feet away from it, she uncurled herself from the ball she had formed herself into, and walked toward the other Elementborns.

"Hm..... at the rate we're going... Rockborn will be here soon..." Flash said, not caring to say his name. "Hm? Oh, Kanon! Hello!"

Era heard the others shouting her name and smiled, flying closer to the ground. She spotted Kanon and smiled, she didn't say anything though since it's been so long since she has talk to someone else and was a little shy so she just waved.

Kanon smiled as the others greeted her. Oh, how she missed the sound of other people's voices, and the sounds and smells and sights of the world in general. "Hey guys, it's nice to see that I'm not the only ElementBorn who just woke up... What are we going to do? If the regular humans discover that we woke up..."

"... they'll come after us, probably under the influence of the Dark Wizard... hey, does anyone have any info on our mission, for the EarthBorn?" Flash inquired

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