Secret Character in Tama Mini


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Aubrey Hepburn

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
Kansas, U.S.A.
I just want to let everyone here know that Oyajitchi is secret character in Tamagotchi Mini, because I have him right now. :blink: I got him from my Masktchi, which I had for only about two days until he became Oyajitchi. I didn't keep track of everything that I did, because I was not expecting to see Oyajitchi! But, I remember taking average care of my tama all throughout it's life(very unusual for me, normally I take the best care possible!) because I wanted to see what average characters there is. I am so excited because this is my third Oyajitchi. I have two brothers that are Oyajitchi on "suspended-animation" in two of my V1s. Don't ever want to lose them! :angry: I just love this character. B)


I have got him too on my Japanese Mini. It's so cute! :blink:

You can also get the "Lucky Poop" as a secret character aswell! :angry:

How very neat! I wonder how you you get the Unchikun? Hmm. A new goal for me! Oyajitchi is one of my all-time favorites, he is so cute.

If anyone is wondering how to get a Oyajitchi for sure, here's how to do it:

1) Grow your tama to the oldtimer stage stage

2) Mate your oldtimer with someone else's oldtimer

3) After the oldtimer leaves, raise your new tama to the adult stage and he/she will become a oyajitchi

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