Secret Characters


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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
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KuroMametchi sat with Makkiko in a dark cell. They wouldnt get let out unless someone in the world had Hatsugatchi and the seseme seed pudding or they had Watachi and the dress. Majorite and papakurotchi sat in the next cell. Makkiko felt sorry for them. There was a 2 percent chance for Makkiko and KuroMametchi to go so there was a 1 percent chance for Majorite or Papakurotchi to go.

Since they were neglected, kuromametchi and makkiko changed into ninjas but because majorite and papakurotchi were parents, they stayed the same. Because kuro mametchi and makkiko were ninjas they were allowed to leave.

"Not so fast!" said the guards. "Do you see Bill, Zachi, Hanagatatchi, Mukimukitchi, Hyottokotchi, Tensaitchi, Oyajitchi or the music star secret characters escaping?" said the guard.

Soon all the secret tamas were taking over TamaTown, E-Tamago, Tama Expo and Even Music City. "This is terrible!" said Mametchi. "Eh, who cares!" snorted Kuchipatchi.

"But what if they all do silly stuff, Kutchipatchi?" Asked Memetchi worrying.

"Yes it might, but who would help us?" replied Mametchi.

" I know!" said Violetchi. "Lets go and tell the tamagotchi King.

"hey guys, its not my problem. Go get Violetchi or something. Mimitchi might help. HEY MIMITCHI AND VIOLETCHI" said the gotchi king.

So Mimitchi and Violetchi joined the crew and they went to Princess Tamako.

They were scared but said:

"We have brought you to see tamatown, scattered with all tamagotchies of every kind"

"WHAT!" shouted Princess Tamako. "let's go quickly, before anything that will harm this place up"!

The secret characters had set up a good defence. Zachi got his space ship and all of his other friends from "Zachiplanet"

"Why is everyone so scared?chi" asked Kuchipatchi.

"Its just secret chsrscters taking over Tama Planet.chi"

"There you are doggy! I was looking for you!" cried Memetchi

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