Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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"Maybe... Maybe They had powers like we do. They had powers where they don't need oxygen. I wish i knew who it was, so i could tell them thank you and ask how they found us."

Kuroko regained a normal brething pattern and colapsed on the bed exausted.

She bolted up and looked at the cover. No authors name. "Who do you think wrote this book that has us in it?" she asked.

Kuroko mumbled something and went to sleep. He was exausted from all the dimension traveling.

She saw kuroko had gone to sleep. She walked into her room, and looked out the window. It was dark. Her clock read 10:41 pm. She went to sleep, thinking of the events that had happened.

Shadow gave up on trying to amuse himself and sat down on a bench, and read a book he had written.

:3 nya

Kiku continued following.
Nell blinked.

Riiku was trying hard not to giggle.
Uriah kept walking. He figured if he was going to be killed, it might as well not be in public.


She woke up. Her clock read 10:41 AM. Weird... I slept exactly 12 hours...

She got a box of Coco Puffs. "Want some?" she asked Kuroko.

She got her won bowl, then gave the box to him. "Do you think we'll have these powers for the rest of our lives?"

"probably," he said then a thought struck him, "Where have our parents been all this time. My mom would freak if she figured out I spent the night at a girls house." hesaid worried.

Kiku kept following. Waiting for him to stop.
"... I guess we're here."
Uriah stopped and turned around, "Well then, go ahead." he looked at her.

"Yep." Riley smiled, "Up for a rollercoaster?"

Kiku had a gun. But she did not have silver bullets in it naturally. She's far too dumb for that. She shot at Uriah.

Nell froze. ".... no."

Uriah allowed her to do so. At this point he was getting all philosophical over 'geesh i love a girl who loves this other guy but i just won't give up. really, what's the point?'. He decided it was a stupid thing to devote one's life to, but he wasn't going to give up just yet. If, of course, he lived through this happening.

"Awww, no fun."

Uriah was bleeding. Like, alot. Cringing. Not comfortable. But not dead.

"Fmmm. Then what do we do?"

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