Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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OOC; Great fudgesticks. D8

First I have a character named Melanie (-glares at Stephanie Meyer's 'The Host'-) and now my female character, Rita, has short, black hair. Someone reminded me of ALICE. Is there any way to make a character with no references to Stephanie Meyer? x_x

"Well... I guess not." Said Aaron. He groaned, now there was going to be a lot of drama. He gave Miruku a 'please-help-me' look.

ooc: She's everywhere.

Miruku didn't know how to react. She just smiled weakly.

Edward blinked. "Who's she?"

ooc; DUNDUNDUNDUN. -godzilla music-


"She's... my girlfriend..." Said Aaron. He sounded weary.

"Sorry, Edwarda." Murmured Aaron. He expected to have a frying pan thrown at his head.

Evangeline walked over. She wrung the bandana on her head. "Don't give up." She whispered in Edwarda's ear as she passed.

Evangeline needs a Life.

Lucifer the ANGEL was... uh...

Edwarda stood there silently.

*tempted to make a form for a random character named Life just for the luls*


ooc; Life? xD

Aaron hid behind Miruku, shuddering.

"Help please. Last time I had a migrane."

ooc: Yes.

And they'd crush on Eva. xD Since she needs them...

"What am I supposed to do? D:" Miruku complained.

"..." Edwarda produced a frying pan.

She ate, then nearly choked when she saw the FBI putting up posters with her and Kuroko's picture on them. The reward for turning them in was $1,000,000. She was a teleportation bubble, and when Kuroko looked confused she used telepathy and said The FBI are putting up posters with us on it. Million buck reward. Get your lunch, and get in here.

ooc: Yes.And they'd crush on Eva. xD Since she needs them...

"What am I supposed to do? D:" Miruku complained.

"..." Edwarda produced a frying pan.
"Uh... I don't know. You're the kitty ninja." Said Aaron. He screeched at the frying pan.

".... you're too heavy for me to whisk around all ninja-like! Just run in the opposite direction."

[lol this is going to be awkward to rp]

"Really?" Mel closed her book and set it down. She looked down at the table. "I was always used to blending in with the crowd. You know, that studious loner. But... thanks for being such a good friend, Joe."
Joeseph grinned, "Back at you." he said, "And thanks for being a guinea pig for my lessons."

Aaron took off, right towards Edwarda. (Moron) He turned sharply, running in the opposite direction.

Mel shrugged.

"I take any opportunity to learn."

Edwarda came after him with the frying pan, of course.

Miru sweatdropped. Stupidity...

Kiku rubbed her eyes. "... thank you, anyway..."

Aaron, sadly enough, was extremely slow. His jumped around frantically, trying to take flight. "Help me! D8"

Evangeline came up to Edwarda, offering her a baseball bat.

Aaron took off, right towards Edwarda. (Moron) He turned sharply, running in the opposite direction.
Mel shrugged.

"I take any opportunity to learn."
Joeseph laughed, "Oh, is that all?"

"Perhaps not all." Said Mel, looking to the side. She pretended to be highly interesting with a blade of grass. She suddenly looked up, staring at Edwarda and Aaron. "What the baloney?"

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