Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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"hmm, wanna test them out?" Joe asked, "the defense techniques, I mean."

ooc: </3 i care

"Aren't you....?" Nell asked.

"Does not D:"

Tundra smiled weakly. "Yeah..."

OOC: Ashy, stop pulling the emo technique. Seriously. x_x Just insert yourself somewhere.


Ben laughed, and closed his book. He held out a hand. "Why don't you come out?"

BenBench was having a overload. He groaned over to KotoneRock

Aaron crossed his arms like a spoilt child, sitting on the ground.

Mel sorta paled out. She blinked. "I tried them on Evangeline... that didn't work... I had my butt handed to me... in fact, it still hurts a bit."

OOC: I am emo, whether you like it or not, so cry a river.

And can we get it straight that my name is Sam. Whether you like it or not. I gave Ana permission to call me Ash*ie* thats it ;l

see. life is a pit. an empty one.

ooc; Ana, you ever eat octopus? D8

ooc 2; Life does suck, I can agree there. I RP to get away from life, prettymuch... Sam.

Evangeline got out a folding chair and set it up 30 feet away from Mel and Joe. She sat on it and crossed her legs, watching, with a slight smirk on her face. xD

"Well... okay..." Said Mel, ignoring Evangeline. (-too lazy to think of defence fight techniques- OMG TIMESKIP?)

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OoC: not recently, but I had calamari before I went veggie.

but I ALMOST ate jellyfish once. recently.


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OOC: That reminds me of my music teacher.

Mr. M: Samantha! Lovely job raising your hand.

Me: . . . . Can you call me Sam?

Mr. M: Why?

Me: Samantha is girly.

Mr. M: I'll do it, but I won't like it, and last time I checked, you are a girl.

Me: -slightly mortified- O-Okay..

Mr. M: SAM...

That's self explanatory.


Ooc:...You can't steal my name D: I'm saddened.
OOC: I stole name? D8 Where?

OOC2: You almost ate JELLYFISH?! o_0 Do tell that story.

OOC3: XD Sam. Lychi reminds me of my Art Teacher a bit.

Mel sucked, in short. Evangeline looked highly amused. She leant back in her chair, looking smug.

Ooc:....Goodness, that reminds my of my music teacher...

Me: -playing the song...thing whatever-

Mrs. A: YEAH! ...[[Right in my Ear too >.<]]

Me: -"Accidentally" Smacks her with drum sticks.-

Mrs. A: YEAH~!

Me: ....

Mrs. A: YEAH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will forever be terrified.


Corvas was munching on the sandwich.

Joeseph laughed, "I suppose I should have went lighter than that?"

OoC: Well. Um. xD Short version: One day a friend had seaweed salad for lunch, and I'm all nomnomnomnomnom. Then i'm all "...wait, this doesn't have meat in it does it?" and she's all "idk check the ingredients." so I did and it said there was jellyfish and bria's all "that much be what these brown things are." and she picked one up and it started jiggling and we're all IJDGUIJKHERKTE WTF WTF WTF

ooc; Do I get to call you Ashie/Ashnee? D;

How do I remind you of a random art teachrar?

"... nevermind, stupid question." Nell said.

"......... I'm hiding from a scary lady. She made me crossdress. D:"

"Oh come ON now. You're cant pull that on ME, I'm *12*."

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"I guess..." Said Mel, rubbing her back and standing up. Evangeline was in hysterics. What a meaneh. D8

Aaron stomped his feet and whined.


OOC: ...XD

LMFAO. Something like that happened with me, but only instead of spitballs disguised as small, white candy... x_x;

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Riley laughed, "It's fine."

Joeseph smiled, "You'll get better."

Luna was putting snow on Klaus's head, making him a snowman. She formed two triangles of snow on his head. Because he's a cat.

Mel smiled weakly at Joe. She blushed, basically out of nowhere.

Now she was positive she had fallen in love. Something she had always thought was so Taboo.

Evangeline jokingly threw a snowball at Luna out of nowhere.

Nell smiled. "Alright then..."

Klaus was unhappy about this. "T-that's cold, Luna..."

Miru sighed.

Tundra still hid!


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