Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Colton couldn't help but snicker. Mitsuki's attitude was one of few things that brought him some humor. "Just blow up the coffee machines and fancy stuff, freeze the people first though. If they're super busy, Anzu and I can always distract."

BB, As always, wasn't quite prepared. He bumbled out of the house after Sarah, still jamming things into the most patched up backpack anyone could have laid eyes upon. "Trust me to think this was planned for next week" He began, hastily zipping the bag up to toss it into the truck bed, "I would've been all prepared, not messin' around like this! Gah!"

Drew turned nonchalantly and double checked the bag, mostly to make sure it wouldn't fall apart at the seams once she revved the engine, because she's bad a** like that. Rolling her eyes at her older brother's stupidity, she jumped into the drivers seat and started the truck, which roared to life. "I'd prefer ladies in the front, men in the back. BB, I swear to God, you kick my seat, you can pay the thousand dollars to replace the seat covering." Once everyone was settled, she sped off to Dafret's, slamming on the breaks and drifting insanely around the corner. "WE'RE HERE." She honked the horn, to bothered to get out.

Scarlett walked out of the house in simple jeans and a white t-shirt, with a cowgirl hat covering her curly red hair. She had a backpack with some supplies, and ten she went back inside. She returned a few minutes later, with a couple cases of beer, and other food and beverages they would need for their expedition. She hauled them into the bed of the truck, then sat up in front with the other girls. "Hey!" She said cheerfully. "This is going to be great! I love my kids, I really do, but sometimes I just need to have fun and relax a bit."

Dafret came out a few moments later, already prepared and set up unlike BB. He was wearing a light shirt with black jeans topped off with a fine jacket. He jammed his backpack next to BB's and huffed happily. "Been needin' this for a while, i guess. Although, are you sure BB is suited for such a venture?". His smirk faded when he couldn't figure out where to sit.

Drew smiled. She was happy Scarlett had thought food, cause honestly, the only thing Drew was thinking was alcohol, camp fires and marshmallows. "Get in the back with BB, Dafret. We all need a vacation sometime." She was hoping no one would bring up Dimentio, and hoping that Dimentio wouldn't magically appear and try and crash her idea of vacation. Perhaps she needed to get away from him... or perhaps take the advice Shadow gave her a long time ago. Before she sped off this time though, Drew took off her seat belt and looked at everyone. "This is going to be the best vacation of our lives. It can be a couple days, it can be a week, it can be a couple weeks. However long you want. But! I only ask one thing. No performing magic. No taking the easy way out. I want to feel some sense of normality." She smiled, showing her teeth. She was hoping to surprise them, because her fangs had been replaced with normal teeth. "And don't worry, I fed before going away so I should last awhile on silly human food like the rest of you." With that, she put her seat belt on, revved the truck, and sped off. She was driving insanely fast for a giant truck, but it took bumps well and stayed smooth. "Oh, did I mention there's a lake so we can go skinny dipping?"

Scarlett nodded and said, "That would be nice. Besides, it'll help us refresh our powers by the time we get back. I'll keep my magic at bay."

Sarah shrugged and said, "Well... as long as nobody's injured, I'll keep my powers under wraps. But if someone gets hurt, I'm not waiting for an ambulance to arrive." She leaned back in her seat, then looked back at BB. She smiled slightly and reached back to pat his hand.

Dafret smiled at the slight banter and climbed into the back with BB. "So, All set, Bucko?". BB forced a smile and reached over to pinch his brothers ear. "All set as ever.". Although the pinch never made contact, both brothers soon settled down and got comfortable in their seats.

After about two hours of insanely dangerous driving and three beers later Drew finally managed to get them there. From California all the way to Crater Lake in Hardwick, New Jersey. There was one spot, right on the edge of the lake with sand, and it was a huge area. Drew started grabbing stuff and taking it over there. She set up the tent and smiled. This was going to be fun.

Sarah and Scarlett went to work right away setting up the tent, Scarlett giving Sarah instructions and Sarah fumbling around trying to get it right. She sighed with frustration after one of the poles whacked her in the face. "I swear, this is really more difficult than it should be!"

Guys, I'm going to bed! Talk to you later!

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The two brothers decided to split up for the moment to help the ladies out. BB hugged Sarah to calm her down a little and Dafret tried to take over with the tent, setting it up slowly at best.

Joe sat next to Klaus and watched him trying to operate the computer. "Do you want me to do it...?" he asked, being the impatient person he was and not wanting to wait longer than necessary to get these plans going. He tapped his foot on the ground, and glanced at Klaus's face.
I'm quoting this post because I know Rachael is never going to try to find it.

By the way, do I have to be literate now?

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Sarah smiled up at BB, patting his arm and giving him a quick kiss before going to the water's edge and dipping her feet in. She sighed happily, then splashed the cool water on her face. Now that she felt a bit better, she put her shoes back on and trudged back toward the tent. "I'm fine," she told everyone.

Scarlett seemed to know what she was doing, hooking the poles through with ease. "I remember when I was younger, and my father would take me camping. It was the most fun I can remember having in my childhood."

ooc: THANK YOU ANACAKE <3 :'D I actually did try to find it, I just failed to. School decreases my reasoning ability by 40%

IDK if we have to, but I'm playing safe for now. Not that haters aren't going to find a way to hate anyway.

Klaus flushed, his natural tsundere kicking in. "F-fine, you do it!" he said, grumpily handing Joe the computer. For some reason, he was more embarrassed than he usually would be by his lack of computer skills.

Mitsuki smirked. "Alright." she said, pulling her hair up in a ponytail. It'd been a while since she had a chance to wreck things.

Anzu took off her apron and hung it on the hook. Hopefully, the manager wouldn't mind her closing for an hour or so.

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Okay xD I can be literate if I have to, I just don't usually on this RP.

Joe laughed, and punched Klaus in the arm playfully, "Don't be like that. I'm just trying to help." he painlessly purchased the tickets, then gave Klaus back his computer, "Anything else before we go?" he asked.


ooc: in all honesty, it should be quality of quantity. that is what makes a good roleplayer. so don't be literate. they hardly ever check this roleplay anymore anyway.

Colton walked out the door, holding it open before the two ladies before making his way to the new coffee joint. He walked in an noticed it was pretty crowded, ten or fifteen people. He highly doubted Mitsuki would be able to freeze all of them. He looked back at Anzu. "Distraction ideas?"


Blank was trying to find Uriah, a little present box in his right hand. He wanted his son to finally respect and love him, like a son should! Not able to see him, he sat down and sighed dramatically, laying on the bench and sighing again.

BB smiled at the now-content Sarah and then averted his attention back to Drew. He paused in thought for a moment before heading over to her, a slight concerned expression on his face.

"I think me and BB went camping once. Although, we didn't bring tents or sleeping bags, we just slept out under the stars.". Dafret smiled at the memories coming back. "Although, we caught a lot of bloody colds..."

Uriah walked up behind Blank, either feeling bold or seeing no point in avoiding him anymore. "Dad." he grumbled to acknowledge him rather than a hello, and crossed his arms. He lowered his eyebrows. He felt strange to directly refer to Blank as his father.

imo They might check just because there's only a couple RPs in this section, but it probably doesn't matter because they know we've been here for years.

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