Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Megan looked at Death, Rochelle waddling over to Death. She lifted her arms up. "Daddy."

With that, Megan disappeared.

Fani looked at Dimentio. "Yes. There is always hope. I just saved you from dying. I hope you know that. I'm also probably going to get my a** chewed out for you, because I care about you. Because I do care about human life as much as I don't want to," she said, carrying him out to the garden. "You can't sit around and be sad forever. Things happen. People change. Feelings go away. Feelings come back." She set him down on the bench. "Look at this garden. Think about life. How beautiful it is. About what you're giving up."

Drew looked at Shadow. "I'm not drunk yet, or even tipsy." She didn't add on it was because vampires couldn't be, and she could handle alcohol pretty well. She snickered. "You should never underestimate a girl."

Death carefully picked Rochelle up and settled her on what he had for a lap. "Have i taken you into the Lifetime Gallery yet, Rochelle?"

Dimentio stared at the garden that seemed to go around for miles. The tree with the swing that was ramrod stiff, The infinite mini-golf course, The hedge maze and then, finally, the fields of flowers of all different kinds. However, despite the sights, he sighed. Something was missing and he knew it.

"i've heard that before". He took a big swig and huffed. "Y'know, i 'almost' became a brewmaster when i was younger?"

She shook her head.

Fani looked at him. "Do you want to see your children, ever again? What about your children, Dimentio? The son who doesn't even know his father exists, and the daughter that can hardly remember her father, but knows he's there. What about them? I can take you to them, but they won't see you."


"Would you like to see it?"

Dimentio nodded and spoke up with a shaky voice. "Please."

"Turns out the guy who taught the arts of brewmastery never came back to silvermoon. Something about the way we lived finally started to get to him, apparently. Shame really, Drunken style fighting looked so much fun"

"Yes please, Daddy." She was extremely well rounded for some reason.

Fani took his hand and teleported them to Paige. "Remember, she can't see you. So don't run after her."

Paige was hanging around Leslie's, trying to find Beetlejuice. When she failed, she went into the kitchen and got some food, a book in her other hand.

Drew raised an eyebrow. "really?"

Klaus was offended. "I am not!" he said, standing up on his own even though he probably could have used the help because he tripped when he stood. "I'm fine," he mumbled, pulling himself up with a heavy blush.

The people of the coffee place were flipping out and such.

Mitsuki used the water from the sprinklers to freeze the people inside. She grinned widely at her handywork, then looked at Anzu and Colton. "What now?"

"You're adorable." Joe mumbled, laughing a small bit. He picked up his bag, and walked toward the bus stop.

Klaus flushed even more. He didn't know wether to be happy or angry at that statement, but said nothing, following Joe to the bus stop.

Joe got on the bus, when it arrived. "The airport is about... twenty minutes from here, I think?" he said.

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Colton casually walked up to the coffee machines and began lighting them on fire, then took some water and threw it near the outlets.

"Alright," Klaus said, looking out the window. He didn't want to admit that he was really, really excited about this trip in the most childish way. His tail swished in the air.

Anzu went behind the counter and started looking through their ingredients. "I wonder why people like their coffee so much." she said, mostly to herself, pulling things out at random.

Mitsuki was bored now. She started breaking the tables and windows to vent anger.

Death simply nodded and took her to the lifetimer gallery, holding her up so that she could open the door.

Dimentio opened his mouth to call out but closed it quickly. What would he even say? He went back to watching and waiting carefully.

"Yeah. The swaying, the unlocked physical prowess and the social aspects. Brewmasters were renowned for being a tightly knit order. They never had diplomatic disputes or any hardships, they just drank and fought their own battles."

"Did you say you haven't been out of the country before?" Joe asked. He took Klaus's tail in his hand and twirled it like it were a lock of hair, just because it was there. He could tell Klaus was excited, but wasn't going to push for more expression out of him. He wanted to at least wait until there was no turning back, before he let loose the more spontaneous Joe.

Klaus's tail swished frantically agaisnt Joe's hand. (Cats really do that. I know, because I like playing with their tails.) "Never," he said, with a very slight smile. It looked like a smirk, but that was just because he wasn't used to being all happy. "I haven't ever really been out of Secret Powers Burg."

ooc: The way you phrased that sounded so dangerous. D: NO, JOE

"Man. Maybe we shouldn't only go to Italy. We should go all over the place. I know you're not that old, but you should be experiencing stuff, you know?" Joe shrugged, "Your tail's cute. Don't you usually like hide it or whatever? I do."

Haha... thing with Joe is he knows how to stay just at the limit of getting slapped without pushing to far. usually. I haven't played him in a while x_x

Scarlette said, "Can't drink. Pregnant." She shrugged, then sat down by the water's edge and started skipping stones, watching them bounce along the surface, almost like rubber balls bounce along the floor. She gave a soft sigh and closed her eyes, reveling in the beauty of nature. She then looked over at the family she had grown to love. Crazy BB, headstrong Drew, soft hearted Sarah. And there was Dafret, of course, the man she knew she could never leave, no matter what he did.

ooc; i ditched school early and a month later decided it was time to post. i'm so bi winning.

Colton thought Mitsuki to be amusing. Her raging and venting was admirable yet unattractive at the same time, and it made him question how her and Anzu were made from the same DNA type, the same blood, the same anything. The family was wildly diverse though, Colton knew this, for the was the four (five? - so horrible at names, ew.) acted. He shrugged his shoulders and decided to light some things on fire for good measure.

Rochelle reached for the door handle and turned it, her eyes opening wide as she looked around, examining the room. Maybe having Death for a father wouldn't be so bad after all. He was adequate, to the least. He played, he gave advice, but he was more a friend to her then a father, and it made her question who her actual parents were. Clearly a skeleton could not be a parent? Who knows, anything could happen now.

That's when it happened. Paige used her magic, a soft murmur and gentle movement of the lips and a glass of water appeared in her hand. It was a simple command, the glass appeared in a puff of blue sparks. She smiled and took a sip, pleased with the results of her action. She turned, and almost tripped over a toddler. Her eyes narrowed. Did Leslie have kids she didn't know about? No, the little girl resembled her father. "Who are you?" she murmured, squatting down to examine the child.

"I'm Renesmee. I'm your little sister." Paige cocked an eyebrow at that statement. "Where are you from?" When the child's mouth opened, about to speak, she instead reached her hand out, because it was quickly fading. When Paige blinked, she noticed the child had gone, and all that was left was a pile of clothes. So her sister had no control over traveling across dimensions. Paige looked around, wondering if anyone else had witnessed it, and sighed. "Broken is all this family will ever be." She picked up the clothes and exited the room.

Fani looked at Dimentio. "Your youngest, that's the first time she ever met Paige, and the first time Paige ever met her. She travels, but can't control it, and you aren't around to help her."

Drew thought that would be an interesting lifestyle to live and couldn't help herself but to imagine Shadow living that kind of life. It didn't suit him, drunken battles. "Interesting."

Death seemed to glide through the open door, holding onto Rochelle as they passed through the B-C section of the gallery. The room seemed peaceful with hushed grains of sand falling eternally, each grain adding to the sound of faint rain.

Dimentio bit down on his tongue. He wanted to fix this but every solution only ended in failure in his mind and every mental gear eventually sped up at a gradual pace...his head started to hurt, too.

"What're you thinking about?" Dafret asked, peering at Scarlette with burning curiosity in his eyes.

Shadow smirked as he continued to tell his tale. "Chen Stormstout, greatest brewmaster to grace the three isles until he went away in hiding. He walked into battles drunk and walked out even moreso...without a tiny scratch too."

Rochelle thought the sounds were peaceful, almost relaxing. She smiled and relaxed a bit in her father's arms. "This is... cool," she whispered, looking around with curiosity. Curiosity killed the cat, but Rochelle wasn't going to let such a statement interfere with gaining knowledge on her father's alleged business.

Fani handed him a watter bottle and some Advil. "These are things you need to change, to fix this. You need to be a father. You need to be a husband," she said, looking at Dimentio carefully. There was a lot she wished she could offer to help, but her mind was pretty much blank with ideas.

The idea was interesting to say the least, as she had stated earlier. Drew smiled. "You should find a way to do it." If it made him happy, why would it bother her?

If he had lips, he would've been smiling. He stopped just beside an almost empty lifetimer. "Ah. What do you think, Rochelle? Should i give this person a little longer?"

Dimentio nodded and took the medication with a swift gulp. Thoughts of flowers suddenly sprang to mind. Flowers of flaming crimson with a spiced scent. "Then that's what i'll do."

"Well, i'd have to find Pandaria for that. Fel, that island has been hidden since the bloody third war." He said, a slight quiver to his voice. "Shrouded in mist or some sh-shugah like that."

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