See You Again- Miley Cyrus


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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2006
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In a cardboard Box
OMG i love this song o_O

it's way better than the stuff from Hannah Montana o_O



i love this song!

do you?

I thought it was ok.

I really don't like the chorus tough.

Overall, it's alright ;)

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If it's by Miley Cyrus, then I'm sure it's terrible- as Miley Cyrus has a terrible voice.

it's nothing like the Hannah Montana songs (which sound bad).

you can't hear her accent.. abd it doesn't even sound that much like her.


it's nothing like the Hannah Montana songs (which sound bad).

you can't hear her accent.. abd it doesn't even sound that much like her.
So they modify her voice.

I like the american accent.

Its so cool, mines so... Midland US.

I seriously don't see whats wrong.

It's a great song! I loved it!!!

My fave is the beginning.

Thanks for bringing this awsome song to my attention. I ADORE music and like different artists.

(Did you notice by my siggy? It changes nearly every week!)

Oceangotchi123 :)

Wow, it really doesn't sound like her AT ALL.

How dumb, what's the point of even being a singer if your voice is barely yours? No offence but I find that pathetic..

Her songs with her accentish thing sounded way better and acually sounded like her, and this is coming from someone who doesn't like Miley.

Though the show is quite amusing,, XD

Luv that song.

Miley Cyrus songs are so much better than the stinky Hannah Montana ones.

I don't like Miley Cyrus. She is a disney channel sterio-type singer. And she sings to much in her nose. Blow your nose girl!


If it's by Miley Cyrus, then I'm sure it's terrible- as Miley Cyrus has a terrible voice.
I agree Miley Cyrus is just a wanna-be pop satr riding of her daddys fame. Wow good for you miley cyrus you're a sellout before you even had a real record deal.

Ps. toAll you Hannah Montana fans are gonna go crazy over this:

Its the truth.

Indeed, I fell in luff with it.

I think Hannah Montanna has gone from stupid songs about double life to actual songs, which attracts me to her music.

..Yep, I have album 2 if you must know.

I don't like her stereo type, just about 2/4 songs on her new album I like because its a beat.

EG, Rockstar, See you again, and shamefully, Nobody's perfect.

(I can't help it. xD I like the beats!)

Anybody who says Miley Cyrus sucks, sucks. I speak of the truth with the Lord in my life, trash talk something, I trash talk you. End of Story.
