Sell, or special? Which one should I get?


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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
United States, AZ
OK so, I have the Center Stage, and I don't have the Disco Ball. I have 6th Super Silver. Should I get the Disco Ball, sell my CD for 4000 Gotchi Points, or save for a bigger prize like the Dream Mic, Lifestage Wallpaper and those stuff, sell my CD until it gets higher, or not sell my CD at all? Please help! My ID is TK5322!

i think u should save it for other stuff like the destiny star for your tamagotchi

hoped i helped :mametchi:

I think you should sell it for 4000 gothi points because I'm just saying what does a disco ball do? If you just get the points and spendit at the staore you will get more things. Or just sell your cd and save th money so then when you have a lot of mney, you can get the bandai block.

I'm just saying what does a disco ball do?
a disco ball doesn't do ANYTHING but i use it as an exchange item and i exchange it for something BETTER than a disco ball. somthings happen, i tell you! <_<
