Seriously Tamagotchi Cousins Topic


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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2008
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This is not only happening to Tamagotchis. I've been noticing that the mainstream society is thinking that virtual pets are kids' toys.

Virtual pets were not intended as toys. They are for people who cannot have real pets but want one. Therefore, they should be for all ages. But because of the media, advertising, etc. people are starting to stereotype virtual pets incorrectly, thinking that they should only be for kids.

What are your opinions on this? I'd like to know!

True to a point but there are virtual pets and robots that only adults can afford. Aibos were amazing but really only for adults. I have never felt too weird about having virtual pets or dragging them out in public. Why does everyone else? :)

Tamagotchi, and virtual friends, are made of people of all ages. It's also a good idea for people who don't have pets use them. Everyone can like their own thing, no matter what it is.

-Temari Nara

I've noticed that too.

It really is too bad that so many people think there is an age limit to V-pets. It really does not matter that much! ;)

I just hate it when people come on my YouTube profile and say "Webkinz are for babies!" and once when I advertised a few Webkinz sites on YouTube, they called the sites a bad word and said it was for 4-year-olds.

When I get back on YouTube I'll copy and paste this thing I said about "being too old for Webkinz." ^_^

Who's too old for V-Pets?

yup! and whenever I search for virtual pets online, they are more often under the category of "toys", sigh....

although i have a real pet, I still like to play with virtual pet (and I'm an old adult)....

:p ;p

I'm going into my second year in college and I'm an avid collector and enjoyer of tamagotchi and their cousins. I find them a good excuse for a break while I'm doing homework. I put them on silent in class.

Tamagotchis are best classified as toys, really. They're produced fairly simply and aimed towards children, but that doesn't mean older people can't enjoy them!

That's like saying parents can't play with their kids or something/

Nice to know I'm not only one! I'm an adult as well, and loved virtual pets for whole my life. I also play with them even in public. When i was younger some other young teens tried to bully me saying that i'm stupid because of playing these things. I even have a real dog and own man, and now little baby girl to look after, but still i wanna look after my tamas too :D I just love them and they will be always part of my life. I just find them amusing.

Nice to know I'm not only one! I'm an adult as well, and loved virtual pets for whole my life. I also play with them even in public. When i was younger some other young teens tried to bully me saying that i'm stupid because of playing these things. I even have a real dog and own man, and now little baby girl to look after, but still i wanna look after my tamas too :D I just love them and they will be always part of my life. I just find them amusing.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Nice to know I"m not the only one :) I'm married, own a house, have three cats and two dogs, an excellent top job and of course a handsome little 4 month old boy. But that never stopped me from playing with vpets and tamas too! I love collecting them!!

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