Seroius cofersation about Vegetarian


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We people slaughter animals for meat, if we really MUST eat meat I wish they'd kill the animals a bit more HUMANELY
Slaughter is a terrible term. Animals are usually well cared for until the moment they die. It produces better food for us and is good to the animal that is giving it's life for us to eat.

They don't just chase a cow around a yard with a chainsaw or anything, it's done the best way it can be.

You know it's not like the animal WANTS to die, and there is other ways of killing them, like an injection or something, like the vets do to put animals down, though it could infect the meat....

You know it's not like the animal WANTS to die, and there is other ways of killing them, like an injection or something, like the vets do to put animals down, though it could infect the meat....
Ok now, if the injection kills the animals.... and we eat the animal... put two and two together and that doesn't make for a nice meal.

...What do you mean? Oh well, I disagree with eating meat, no offence, eat it if you want
I mean that if the aniaml get the injection, which flows in it's blood, and we eat it, that could be harmful- even fatal- to the humans that eat it.

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You know it's not like the animal WANTS to die, and there is other ways of killing them, like an injection or something, like the vets do to put animals down, though it could infect the meat....
No, the animal is begging to die, but it's part of life. When a lion kills an zebra, the zebra doesn't want to die, but the lion needs to eat and that's part of its diet.

People are meant to eat meat, although there are now ways to get around it with vitamins and supplements to add to other food to make you more balanced.

And yes, as stated by tamaw/pants, an injection would taint the meat and harm us, so it'd be like killing the animal for nothing.

When they kill it, it's not torture... They don't draw out the death so that it feels pain. They do it quickly so it's just an instant of pain, then peace.

No, the animal is begging to die, but it's part of life. When a lion kills an zebra, the zebra doesn't want to die, but the lion needs to eat and that's part of its diet.
People are meant to eat meat, although there are now ways to get around it with vitamins and supplements to add to other food to make you more balanced.

And yes, as stated by tamaw/pants, an injection would taint the meat and harm us, so it'd be like killing the animal for nothing.

When they kill it, it's not torture... They don't draw out the death so that it feels pain. They do it quickly so it's just an instant of pain, then peace.
Yup right,

how does it make a difference with a lion hunting another animal then a human doing it? :S


I meant to say the animal isn't begging to die, LOL. Oh well, you seemed to get what I meant.

I am a vegetarian. Have been for 3 years. Perfectly Healthy.

It annoys me when people say "Don't be a vegetarian. We are meant to be carnivoures! Its no different for an animal to hunt another animal!!"

Right. Some animals eat animals. Some animals don't eat animals. So really, we aren't *meant* to be carnivoures any more than we are to be herbivoures. So what are the Pros of being a meat eater? Veggies are proven more healthy, because their intake of fat is is less drastic.

So, after me defending my beliefs, and saying We aren't meant to be "Meaties, no more than we are meant to be Veggies" It just comes down to what is really right, which no one may never know. Some say Veggies are wrong, Some say Meaties are wrong.

Who is right?

Should I become one?
Any life lessons from being one?

Helpful tips/ Websites?


Should others become one?

Please Reply!
Should I become one?

I don't don't really know you or where you stand in animal rights or anything like that as long as your not doing it just for the point of being a vegitarian

Any life lessons from being one?

you might learn that you don't need meat to live 0-0

also you might leart about commitment

Helpful tips/ Websites?

I don'y know if they will but helpful but ya might fing something


I commited myself to help animals the first step is prostets and then I though if

I don't have to suffer without meat I'll give it a try but I have to be really careful about

vitamins coz i'm still growing Its easyer for me because my Mother is a Vegitarin too

But i'm not ready for beaing a vegan

Should others become one?


Ive been a vegetarian for all my life... I just dont eat actual animals... I kinda think its wrong.
To each their own.

I figure that we are omnivores, have been for however many years, and it's our nature--who am I to mess with nature? LOL.

I am an animal-lover, but I would NOT do well as a vegetarian. That's all I can say :p .
Ha ha ha, same here. I love animals, more than people for the most part. But, I like meat. :furawatchi:

Those chickens are diseased...That isn't KFC.
I also know from experience that that is not how they put their chicken to sleep.

The chickens have a disease where their body doesn't allow nutrition or anything in their system (example: Food, Medicine, Drugs to put them to sleep). In reality this is the only way to kill them or else if we let them live the whole species will be extinct.
[SIZE=8pt]they have a disease? i never knew that, but that still gives them no right to do that to them[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]they have a disease? i never knew that, but that still gives them no right to do that to them[/SIZE]
No right? They are putting the chickens out of their misery. I would say that's the best way for them to go- there's nothing else you can do.

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I was a vegetarian for almost a year. no, it doesnt make you more gassy! umm... it does cost more. and there's vegetarians and vegans. vegetarians don't eat any kind of animal, exept fish. they also drink milk, eat eggs and ice ceam, and all that. vegans, on the other hand, don't eat anything that comes from an animal, no meat, no ice cream, no nothing. not even wheat, because the animals that get killed eat wheat. sometimes you'll have a craving for meet. eat fakin bacon or something that tastes like meet but isn't meat. umm... if you need any info on being a vegetarian email me @ [email protected]. trust me, i know alot. i also know alot of recipies. also, you feel healthier, stronger, and you'll loose a few pounds if you go vegetarian!!!

well, good luck. if you don't choose to become a vegetarian, thats okay, but if your do... give me a shout... email me. i might even go back to vegetarianism.

well, it's getting too long, i'd say way more if i didnt have to go, but whatever. good luck. and, umm... maybe you should try some vegetarian meals and if you don't like it, eat meat or deal... i dunno, do whatever... byebye

People just need to eat meat, it's part of the natural food chain. Just try to pick out the meats you eat that are not killed in a mean way.

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