She won't talk to me!


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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2008
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Los Angeles, CA
a girl i like just stopped talking to me for no reason. i know i didn't do anything wrong but i just cant approach her anymore. she doesn't know i like her but what if someone told her that i like her and shes very troubled cause when i get near her shed bow down her head and then walk away... im very sad about it and i cant sleep... :rolleyes: she love tamagotchi too and we have much in common but she doesnt know i like her. i think its unrequited love but before she stopped talking to me she was always with me and many people thinkj where an item but i think someone spead a rumor about us that bothered her... please help me i just cant concentrate on anything anymore... please help.... :wub:

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Aw, dont be sad. Did you tell anyone you like her? If so, than maybe she doesnt feel very comfortable around you. Or maybe she's just like that around other people too. If she is, than maybe something's gone wrong in her life. Im sure its nothing to worry about, and hopefully everything turns out fine.

Best of luck,


thanks i'll try talking to her on monday and maybe teel her i like her... but the only person i told i like her was my best friends and i know they wont tell her cause i trust them... :blink: :furawatchi: :p

Oh no. :(

Quite possibly she did hear something and feels awkward? I think you need to step back, give her some room and then let her re-warm up to you. On Monday maybe she feels more comfortable or something that was troubling her was resolved and you can ask her what was going on.

If she STILL won't talk to you, you should take a step back and just try to get the connection again. If something did happen to break that connection there is still a good chance of saving it, sounds like to me. :huh:


How old are you? If you're younger than 15 or so, I don't think you should be THAT worried. Sure, she's your crush, but there's not even a 25% chance that you'll marry her. I'd just get over it, but you can keep liking her. I would also talk to her, to see if she did find out.

I found out who likes me. I'm not being rude to him or anything- in fact, I'm not even acting different. Maybe she likes you too, and is just a bit shy. Or maybe she's just stubborn. I'd talk it out, but its nothing to get depressed over. :huh:

Sure, she's your crush, but there's not even a 25% chance that you'll marry her. I'd just get over it, but you can keep liking her.
It's muuuuuch less than that - only 3% of "high school sweet hearts" get married and with the divorce rate as it is, that means only 1.5% actually stay together. o..o

Either way, I know it's a big deal know but you have to try to stop stressing. You can't do anything about it now so take some deep breathes and just look forward to sorting it out on Monday. :huh:

You need to back off- give her space. Innterogate the people you told to see if they said anything. Like I said, just take a break from her, and try again in a few days. I hate it when people shun me. I think it's really selfish. If you have something to say, say it to my face. Don't leave me hanging, wondering what I did. Although, I understand, most people aren't nearly as socially daring and upfront as I am, and tend to get nervous when it comes down to a confrontation.

How old are you? If you're younger than 15 or so, I don't think you should be THAT worried. Sure, she's your crush, but there's not even a 25% chance that you'll marry her. I'd just get over it, but you can keep liking her. I would also talk to her, to see if she did find out.

I found out who likes me. I'm not being rude to him or anything- in fact, I'm not even acting different. Maybe she likes you too, and is just a bit shy. Or maybe she's just stubborn. I'd talk it out, but its nothing to get depressed over. ;)
you know last year when we would walk down the hallways together peaple wouls start shouting something like "woohoo" and "cute!" but she got very mad at them and was screaming it was so funny! i wish i could relive those days... but she was my best friend she was my first friend in high school and ive grown attached to her and i feel like something was missing... i saw her today at our school library. i was the place where we became friends... and today we saw each other but she just walk away like she didn't see me... :) :( :D

You need to back off- give her space. Innterogate the people you told to see if they said anything. Like I said, just take a break from her, and try again in a few days. I hate it when people shun me. I think it's really selfish. If you have something to say, say it to my face. Don't leave me hanging, wondering what I did. Although, I understand, most people aren't nearly as socially daring and upfront as I am, and tend to get nervous when it comes down to a confrontation.
you know what, i think youre right! i should try to talk to those people who knows that secret. and maybe say hi to her again at least... ill try and try until she would tell me she hate me (i hope not) before she showed interest in me but i think its just like for bffs. but i dont think our friendship would last anymore... :)

Awww. Don't give up.

Never give up on something that made you so happy.

Give it a couple more days.

I would do what the others have suggested. I am not going to type it out because I'm too lazy xD

I've through this many (and I mean many!) times. So:

1. leave her A.L.O.N.E. maybe she needs alone time

2. Ignore her wait 'till she comes to you

3. Try to ask her want is wrong.

Hope I helped! :(

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