Short Stack.


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Wanna hear something funny?

I've been banned from them because they swear.

xD But does that stop me? Nope. :)

They're growing on me again.


Even if I don't like them as much as I did before, I'm still going to their meet n greet in Adelaide on November 16th :3

I must admit, I am excited. It's about time I get to talk to them properly and without a rush!

Okay. I can't edit the above post so double postttt.

The meet n greet was today, November 23rd ^.^

Dude it was amazing!

It was so hot and the line was pretty big.

And I'll explain everything in detail.

So um me and Jen rushed from school to the bus stop, got the bus and yeah. We were walking up the road they were supposed to be on and then this guy walked past us and was like "Looking for Short Stack? They're over there!" So we ran, haha. When we got there the line was like closed. We were a few minutes late. But we saw our other friends so we pushed in with them. The security guard was like "oi, you have to get out, you're not allowed in" but we argued and begged and we got in anyway.

Soon enough we were in the shop they were in. As soon as we saw Shaun we like screamed. The line mooooved and then like we were up to go talk to them! They only really signed stuff and said like one word but whateveeeer. There was a pretty big rush and we're lucky we got to even get anything signed in the first place. Cameras weren't allowed. Ruined my day. Ohwell. I went up to Bradie first. I made him a paperclip bracelet and he put it on straight away and I was like naaaw.. I didn't get to hug him though! Failwhale! And he asked me how my day was. Then it was Andy. I gave him Toblerone and he's like aw thanks and I didn't get to hug him either -.- And then Shaun! I also gave him Toblerone and then he's like "thanks for the chocolate" and WINKED AT ME LOLOLOLOLOLOL! And I got to hug him. Mwahaha. Oh and he's like "How are you hun?"

We literally got like five seconds with each of them because they were in such a rush.

But it was better than nothing at all. Oh and I got a poster signeddd!

Ah best day ever♥

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