Shots - Help!


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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
I REALLY need advice. I have to get a bunch of shots right after my birthday, and I'm so scared! I passed out when I got my finger pricked! And somebody jabbing me in the arm with a needle is even worse! :(

What should I do? I NEED these shots to proceed to 7th grade, and I need to get over my phobia of needles. -shiver-

My friends say that they hurt really bad and they sting and burn. I'm woozy just thinking about it.

Ugh, help! :)

Don't worry. That's the most important thing. I also have a slight fear of needles that I can't help, so I know how you feel. If you have to (I know this sounds crappy, but It's true) think of happy thoughts. close your eyes and turn your head away and focus on the spot inbetween your forehead... It really helps!!!

Shots only hurt for a second while they're going in. You just feel a poke and then it's over. Take T_S_G and T_M_M's advice and look away and think of other things and it will be over before you know it.

Ok, When you go to get them bring a stuffed animal or a stress ball (2-5$ at a thrift store) to squeeze or twist while they ingect it. I absolutly am afraid of needles. I myself think finger pricks hurt more than a shot. Good luck.

Shots only hurt for a second. Just look away and think of something way off topic like your favourite TV show, or an LOL moment with your friends.

I think getting your finger pricked hurts alot more. The last shot I got I passed out after and had to go to the hospital. They thought it was an allergic reaction but it wasn't. It was because I was stressed and hadn't eaten anything before so my blood sugar was low. Just be sure to eat something before you get your shot and try and think of something happy when they give you your shot. Hope it helps!

-Happyqueen :angry:

Don't look at the needle. Look away, thinking about a whole different thing, and don't think about the shot AT ALL. Because my sister did that once and she didn't even notice the needle. :angry: Try these thoughts for starters:

Why do female praying mantises eat the male?

Is aquarius a water sign or air sign?

Wonder how those pyramids in Egypt were built...

Is there really a brand of gum called Brain Gym?

What came first--the chicken or the egg?

Good luck! ^.^

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Okay, thanks everyone!

I'm still a little nervous, though. The good thing is, that finger prick didn't hurt at all! :angry: Just the thought of taking skin of my finger and squeezing blood out made me sick.

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