Should I get a P2, Angel, or a V3?


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Well-known member
Feb 29, 2012
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Hi! So, I am currently deciding between a P2 and a V3. I have a V4, so that could connect to the V3, but the vintages look really nice. As for neediness and such, I would prefer a low maintence tama, as I like to run more than one. What is your opinion? Thanks in advance! :)

v3 is good

but you say the vintage is nice, sooooooo



i hope this helped

(probably not xD)

cya :)

P2 = low maintenance, simplicity

V3 = step up for vintage fans, lots of characters

Angel = cute little Tama, ideal for busy people

The choice is yours!

~ Dazzmina ~

I'd also love a vintage, but in all honesty a V3 would compliment your V4 the best. Like you said, you can connect them, which is awesome, and the V3 is really low-maintenance - I only have to check on mine two or three times a day, really. The V3 can get a little boring after awhile, but then again so do the vintages.

Wow, everyone whos posted has said the vintages are low maintenance. o.o

I have a P1 and think that it's pretty hard to take care of. xD The hearts go down quickly and you always gotta play games if you want to keep it's weight low!

But yeah, I think it'd be best for you to get a V3 so you can connect! And the V3 is verryyyy low maintenance, much easier than a P1 and Angel in my opinion.

P1s and Angelgotchis are pretty needy when it comes to care. Hearts go down surprisingly quickly and it always keeps you busy. Definitively not great for people that are always taken up by school, work and whatnot.

The V3 has many characters, which is what I like about it, and like people previously posted, it's incredibly low-maintenance.

If I needed to chose one, I'd take a P1, since I've already got two V3s. But then again, choice is yours, you should chose the one that suits you most. :)

I would say the V3.

You probably won't get bored because it has a lot of games and a lot of characters, plus it has the shop on it, and it can connect. It also uses the same batteries as your V4, so you won't have to buy different ones.

The best way to get a feel for a Tama is definately to check out a few logs, though, so I'd recommend that. :)

Thanks so much, all of you! I think I will go for a V3, as suggested. Or if I'm super lucky, I'll get both (a v3 and a P2) :ichigotchi: Thanks for the help!

Seen as though i don't have any vintage tamas. I will have to say the V3, because i have one and enjoy it greatly! It's simple, and isn't too high mait. Has really cute characters!

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