Should I keep my avartar or change it?


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There is this other avatar I might put on here it has a picture of two crayons... One says yellow green and the other one say green yellow. Then in the middle of both crayons it says huh???

so yeah...

Hmm that is a hard question! I would get Different ones every Kind of 2 Months other wise it gets boring!

TAMAGIRL2008 and her pets

:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :angry: :p

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I like it. And I've seen the crayon one. I hate the crayon one, it just looks wierd to me. This one I like. And if you want to know more opinions on your avatar fast just go to the rate the avatar game in fun stuff. ^^

I like your avvie as it is but change it every so often because having the same one all the time is boring :)

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