should i still get a 4.5?


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Jan 31, 2008
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i have just recently started my tamagotchi craze by purchasing the new v5 familitchi but i was wondering if the v4.5 version was different enough and worth the dough to spend. what would you guys do? those of you who have both, would you recommend buying the 4.5 (or even 4) version or am i better off spending that money on a second v5?

i wish they had a sample tamagotchi i could try out for like a week to see if i like it ;)

um i had the v4.5 and its the same as v4, so i dont think u should get one, unless ur trying to colect all the versions like me. :lol:

Yes, if you collect all the verisons...

But you should consider the differences if you don't.

Are they really that different?

I've been thinking, and even though I kinda wanted it, now I don't.


Because there is a ".5" for a reason.

They aren't really any different, except new shell designs, new characters, new jobs, and the antenna has a star.

If you want bigger and better differences, don't get it.

If you collect them, well, it might be good to skip the ".5's" but you can do what you want, because it's not up all to my mind.

mametchi :lol:

Yes, if you collect all the verisons...But you should consider the differences if you don't.

Are they really that different?

I've been thinking, and even though I kinda wanted it, now I don't.


Because there is a ".5" for a reason.

They aren't really any different, except new shell designs, new characters, new jobs, and the antenna has a star.

If you want bigger and better differences, don't get it.

If you collect them, well, it might be good to skip the ".5's" but you can do what you want, because it's not up all to my mind.

mametchi :D
hmm i think you might have read my post wrong, i wasn't debating between getting a v4 and 4.5 but rather should i get any of those after having a v 5 or if i should just get another v5?

but after some thinking, i think i just might purchase an older tama version rather than another new v5 because i would like to try raising one individually with its own name and weight, etc. so i might just go out and get a v4...but i am very fickle so who knows ;)

i don`t think you could get a v4.5 anymore it`s all v5 now i went to a shop and they said they only sell v5`s now

I suggest you get yourself a V4.5 or an older version.

Because there is a big difference between the earlier ones and the V5, I think you should experience both. =)

I can still find the V4.5's in my local stores, so if you can find some, I'd go for it. Whether you find any or not will depend on where you are. It'll be different for every store/city/country.

If you really want a difference, shoot for the Tamagotchi released in the 90s (Angel, Ocean, Morino, P1, P2, etc) :furawatchi: . I wouldn't even bother getting another connection because you already have the newest one (for now, anyway :p ) and the other connections won't even connect with the if you wanted to connect you have to buy not one, but TWO of those things...or find a friend who has one of the older connections. Lame to the max. Anyway, that's my opinion. Good luck and have fun! :eek:

It depends on what you want.

If you want to get a different tama that is pretty easy to get, I'd say go with the v4.5. If you have to choose between v4 and v4.5, I'd get the v4.5 because the concept is the same, but the v4.5 has more charactors, food, etc.

If you want to really explore the world of tamas, I'd look on eBay for a v1 or v2. If you want even more, go for the P1, angelgotchi, mothra, etc. ;]

I'd start of with the newer versions and work my way down.

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