Should we change the User Rank system?


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Should we change the User Rank system?

  • Change it

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  • Do not change it

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  • What's a user rank?

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I think it should go


(newbie) (member) (max) (elder)

Well, I read it and have thought this out with V1 characters. When V2 chart is done I can make one with those. Anyway, here goes:0-1 posts egg

2-5 female baby

6-9 male baby

10-25 Marutchi

26-50 Kinakomotchi

51-75 Hinotamatchi

76-100 Oniontchi

101-125 Ichigotchi

126-150 Young Mimitchi

151-200 Masktchi

201-250 Gozarutchi

251-300 Hanatchi

301-350 Robotchi

351-500 Tarakotchi

501-600 Kuchipatchi

601-700 Memetchi

701-850 Mametchi

851-1000 Mimitchi

1001-1999 Ojaritchi (secret character!)

2000-2500 oldie female

2501-3000 oldie male

3000+ angel

(I like that idea of secret character with guides etc... so next to their indicator I think they deserve a Nazotchi too!)

What do you think of my idea? Post below!
good idea spiffy!

heres how i think might be cool:

0-5 egg

6-10 black/white (choice)baby tama

11-20 marutchi

21-30 kinokomotchi

31-40 hinotamatchi

41-55 oniontchi

56-70 itchigotchi

71-100 young mimitchi

101-200 tarkotchi

201-300 maskitchi

301-400 gozurutchi

401-500 hanatchi

501-600 robotchi

601-700 kutchipatchi

701-800 memetchi

801-900 mametchi

901-1,000 mimitchi

1,001-1,500 Ojitchi/Otojitchi

1,501-2,000 Oyajitchi

Tamaguide-nazotchi or other debug character

spiffy ur ideas r good this is sorta my version sorry i copied!

I have an idea! What if along with tama names and your total score, what happens if there is a monthly thing, that each like, 5 posts you post, gives 1 letter of something? lik T-A-M-A-T-A-L-K could be the first one. The people who got the whole word would be a TamaTalk Poster! This gets funny... The word might be funny. A Funny Poster. The word is strawberry. Strawberry Poster!

Bye, gotta go.

Cool idea SamaTama.

As an update to "what I thought of, in that idea of 3,000+ posts, as people will some day arrive there, maybe we could add the Angelgotchi characters there going from worst to best, youngest to oldest like before. :D

Good idea Spiffy, I thought of that too but with the boy baby and the girl baby would be on the same level and if your a girl you get the girl and if your a boy you get the boy. :lol: Also for the people that say they have worked hard to get there, you could be tamagotchi according to how many months you've been on and that should show your dedication to tamatalk. :(

Well, I read it and have thought this out with V1 characters. When V2 chart is done I can make one with those. Anyway, here goes:0-1 posts egg

2-5 female baby

6-9 male baby

10-25 Marutchi

26-50 Kinakomotchi

51-75 Hinotamatchi

76-100 Oniontchi

101-125 Ichigotchi

126-150 Young Mimitchi

151-200 Masktchi

201-250 Gozarutchi

251-300 Hanatchi

301-350 Robotchi

351-500 Tarakotchi

501-600 Kuchipatchi

601-700 Memetchi

701-850 Mametchi

851-1000 Mimitchi

1001-1999 Ojaritchi (secret character!)

2000-2500 oldie female

2501-3000 oldie male

3000+ angel

(I like that idea of secret character with guides etc... so next to their indicator I think they deserve a Nazotchi too!)

What do you think of my idea? Post below!
yep i agree!!!!

Well, I read it and have thought this out with V1 characters. When V2 chart is done I can make one with those. Anyway, here goes:0-1 posts egg

2-5 female baby

6-9 male baby

10-25 Marutchi

26-50 Kinakomotchi

51-75 Hinotamatchi

76-100 Oniontchi

101-125 Ichigotchi

126-150 Young Mimitchi

151-200 Masktchi

201-250 Gozarutchi

251-300 Hanatchi

301-350 Robotchi

351-500 Tarakotchi

501-600 Kuchipatchi

601-700 Memetchi

701-850 Mametchi

851-1000 Mimitchi

1001-1999 Ojaritchi (secret character!)

2000-2500 oldie female

2501-3000 oldie male

3000+ angel

(I like that idea of secret character with guides etc... so next to their indicator I think they deserve a Nazotchi too!)

What do you think of my idea? Post below!
i totaly agree that would be GREAT! :D

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I've been working really hard to get my points up please leave it the way it is and with the 3-4 things you can be your not being judged but it still makes you feel good! NOOOOOOO!!! PLEASE! :eek:

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