Should you worry about your Tamagotchi


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Jul 25, 2010
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I'm going to Southern California and you know how the flight attendant says to turn off your electronics? Tamagotchi's can't turn off so should I just take the batteries out and put them back on later or should I just leave them how they are? Please answer a.s.a.p

EDIT: Sorry for the spelling error on the title. I didn't notice until now

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Usually, flight attendants say to turn off electronics so that it won't interrupt the waves during takeoff. I'm not sure if the Tamagotchi will be a problem. If it were me, I would just put it on pause and keep it in my pocket. The major problem would be connecting, and I don't think you'd be doing that at the time. Either way, Tamagotchis give off very little power.

BurntSnows right. I dont believe your tamagotchi will disturb the flight with the small amount of electricity it lets off. But, if your really worried, ask the flight attendant about it. The best thing to do is that if your not worried, put it on pause and stick in your pocket like BurntSnow said.

Thank you :p I guess I'll just ask the flight attendant. This topic can be closed.

OH YEAH!!!! One more question before someone closes this!! What if you have a multiple amount of Tamagotchi's?

Still probably won't be a problem. I'm a bit more worried about the iD if you're downloading something, but I really really wouldn't worry about it. Honestly, would such tiny things even have enough strength to interrupt a pilot's hearing, let alone plane?

Good and safe.

If you get through security with one... It is no issue. They just ask you not to have them connected while in flight. Just make sure its not in your pocket when going through security...

Sometimes they do ask you to cover the IR part in flight.... If they don't know what it is. Pause and put it in your pocket if that is the issue. I had that happen once..... They over reacted though.

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Well, I took my tamagotchi connection V4 and turned it on all the time for 13 hours. and still it was VERY fine. So, you could turn it on for the whole time.

I've flown with Tama's several times and have asked the flight attendants about it. They told me I'd be fine as long as I didn't use the IR (connecting).

Ok thank you for the advice.. I think they'll most likely let me through security. And I don't really have to worry about them connecting anyway because they're all different kinds. I guess it won't interupt the pilot's hearing.. I think.. I just hope I don't cause trouble for them.

you wont ive tokken thre tamagotchis on an airplane before and nothing happened to them:) :huh:

You should be fine. They won't mes with the Pilot's instruments at all. The only way they could is if you had MANY tamas on in connection mode.... You will be okay. The flight attendants don't directly like having the IR/Infared on just as they don't really know how much power they give off. They don't want any chances, so that is why they ask you not to connect them if at all.

I would recommend looking at the link that TamaMum posted for you! I'm sure it will help too!

I didn't know someone else posted the same question as me. Sorry if this is a repost or something. I guess this topic can be removed.

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