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mines a mimitchi playing hurdles i made it myself


Its really cute! I love what it does
do u want me to make u an avatar pm me saying wat u want on it and wat background and if u want it animated or not


If you never watch Nickelodeon or All Grown Up (Rugrats spin-off), then you won't get this. If you do, then it's a picture from the episode "Project Chuckie" when Lil gets mad about her part and decides to ad-lib her lines. If you didn't already notice, she's with Tommy here, he's just wearing a really scary wig... :)

Check out my avvie!! Hey, all of you have cool avvies!!



everyones is great,mine is just about my fave people in the whole world(apart from my family and friends)i'd love an animated one so if anyone can make me one of memetchi eyes glowing like mad and erinla appear in rainbow colours that would be great!!!!

Like mine >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

tama2tama4 made it. I make avvies (non-anim) also!

thanks to tamagirl777 for my beautiful avatar!!!!! B) B) B) B)

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