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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
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It happened yesterday when I came to humanites it was like 1:45 p.m. ( my class starts at 12:45 but since have a group I go to I get there around 1:45.) Well when I came back from my group. Two girls ( which are nice to me and thought were my 'friends') said that the assistant principal came and gave me a note and left it in my note book. The note said that since I was "late" to my class I have to get my locker taken away and that if I want it back I have to get to class earlier. I ask the two girls at my table did they tell the assistant principal that I was at my group. They said they didn't know that I was at my group so they didn't tell the assitant princpal. Later on I went the the assitant pricipals office and I found out the TWO GIRLS forged the assistant principal's signature just to hurt me and see how I would react. I'm really don't want the two girls to get in trouble because they were nice to me but I'm really hurt by this. What should I say to them? This is driving me crazy. V.V

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It happened yesterday when I came to humanites it was like 1:45 p.m. ( my class starts at 12:45 but since have a group I go to I get there around 1:45.) Well when I came back from my group. Two girls ( which are nice to me and thought were my 'friends') said that the  assistant principal came and gave me a note and left it in my note book. The note said that since I was "late" to my class I have to get my locker taken away and that if I want it back I have to get to class earlier. I ask the two girls at my table did they tell the assistant principal that I was at my group. They said they didn't know that I was at my group so they didn't tell the assitant princpal. Later on I went the the assitant pricipals office and I found out the TWO GIRLS forged the assistant principal's signature just to hurt me and see how I would react. I'm really don't want the two girls to get in trouble because they were nice to me but I'm really hurt by this. What should I say to them? This is driving me crazy. V.V
Starting an argument with theese 2 girls won't help

If They "Forged" the Principals Signature then they can get in seriouse trouble so just stay away form them and ignore them, Tell the teacher they forged a signature ;) Just hang around with other Friends :)

Thats exactly why they did it, Bullys get their kicks out of making people upset, they want to see your reaction. So No matter how hard it is, Juts try not to cry cos thats what they want to see.

Best Wishes ;)

Amz ♥

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Starting an argument with theese 2 girls won't helpIf They "Forged" the Principals Signature then they can get in seriouse trouble so just stay away form them and ignore them, Tell the teacher they forged a signature ;) Just hang around with other Friends :)

Thats exactly why they did it, Bullys get their kicks out of making people upset, they want to see your reaction. So No matter how hard it is, Juts try not to cry cos thats what they want to see.

Best Wishes ;)

Amz ♥
Thanks! I hope this gets straightened out soon. I hate when attention is pointed to me at school that's what I try to avoid.

It happened yesterday when I came to humanites it was like 1:45 p.m. ( my class starts at 12:45 but since have a group I go to I get there around 1:45.) Well when I came back from my group. Two girls ( which are nice to me and thought were my 'friends') said that the assistant principal came and gave me a note and left it in my note book. The note said that since I was "late" to my class I have to get my locker taken away and that if I want it back I have to get to class earlier. I ask the two girls at my table did they tell the assistant principal that I was at my group. They said they didn't know that I was at my group so they didn't tell the assitant princpal. Later on I went the the assitant pricipals office and I found out the TWO GIRLS forged the assistant principal's signature just to hurt me and see how I would react. I'm really don't want the two girls to get in trouble because they were nice to me but I'm really hurt by this. What should I say to them? This is driving me crazy. V.V

You should tell on them, if they were really nice to you why would they do that to you. Tell the assistant principal, and if you decide to then tell him not to mention your name if you don't want to be hated by the 2 girls. They were not thinking about your feelings when they did that. I suggest that you tell, but if you REALLY like the girls and don't want them to be in trouble then don't tell the assistant principal.

Ooo, that's tough stuff. V.v

First off I would say talk to them. Tell them why you were upset and that it really did hurt you the next time you see them [if you bring it up the next time you see them everything is still fresh, but if you leave it for a while it gets more awkward].

If they seem apologetic and say they're sorry, forgive and forget- actualy even if they aren't still forgive them because we all make mistakes. Just because you forgave them doesn't mean you have to put yourself in that type of situation with them again.

It might be time to drop their friendship.

If they learn from their msitakes, there really is no need to go to the VP, but if they act in a 'whatever' attitude, they need to get in some sort of trouble- they need to learn their lesson. ;]

I hope all works out for you!

The same thing happened to me today >.<

There were rumors going on about my friend being the 'Speak up and make a difference' type of person i am i walked over to the two girls and said "What are these rumors i hear about GG and Morgie?" (Not really names) "What?Its just a joke!"I looked at them and walked away, when we got upstairs to out classroom I talked to the teacher about it and she talked to them this is what i heard 'We didn't do it...H did!" I looked at them and said "You know whats worse than someone who makes rumors?" 'What?" they replied "A lier that tells rumors!"

So I have to tell you Those two girls were once my best just do what you think is right :angry:

Hope I helped


Well it's gotten worse. She called me a b**** during an IM with her and said that she will never be my friend again. Worse thing is. I will be alone again. It's getting harder I am really confused what to do next.

A real friend is never going to act like that, but if you really still want to be their friend, say sorry even though you did not do anything.

If it is possible, hang out with some other friends and remember you are never truely alone.

If you need someone to talk to give me a PM.

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Well it's gotten worse. She called me a b**** during an IM with her and said that she will never be my friend again. Worse thing is. I will be alone again. It's getting harder I am really confused what to do next.
Trust me, you value being alone WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than being with a *ahem* "female dog" such as her. They are known as toxic friends and they can and will make you more miserable and self consious than you will ever be if you were on your own. Trust me on this, I had one too many of these people in my value your time to yourself and your family and your TRUE friends a thousand times more.

They do it to pi** you off and screw with your emotions. Screw them, they just want to have their little fun with your head.

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