silent beeping?


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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2006
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Sorry if this has been posted before but I couldn't find anything about it. Has anyone else noticed that your tama makes a silent beeping noise constantly and you can't hear it until you hold it to your ear? Is this just mine or does everyones do this? I didn't notice it until last night, my bf heard it then has me listen to it. It does it all the time, I just never heard it until then. I have a's really cute! :huh:

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hold it to your ear and see if you hear anything....if not, it might just be mine? I hope that doesn't mean something is wrong..I can't hear it unless I hold it flat agaisnt my ear. It's really silent

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1 like this has been posted by me.but it ok :huh:

it the things inside the tama makin it beep its ok 2 hear it beep:)

Sorry...I tried to find it before posting but coudn't lol. I'm glad that it's alright, thanks!

[SIZE=14pt]Yes my version 2!!!!! Yeh your right it does its like a clock![/SIZE]
Sorry if this has been posted before but I couldn't find anything about it. Has anyone else noticed that your tama makes a silent beeping noise constantly and you can't hear it until you hold it to your ear? Is this just mine or does everyones do this? I didn't notice it until last night, my bf heard it then has me listen to it. It does it all the time, I just never heard it until then. I have a's really cute! :)
Yeah, mine does aswell!! I was really worried until i went to my friends house and listen to hers, there was a noise! I guess its like that 4 everyone!! :D

Whoa! mine does the beeping sound too! i just picked it up now and heard it!!! I think it just happens to every's not just you...

If anybody's noticed, the pattern that the ticking makes, is the same pattern your Tamagotchi makes when it's moving.

When I got my tamagotchis I noticed that right away, only cause sometimes the beeping gets pretty loud and I don't have to put it to my ear. I ended up spoiling one of them cause my friend was trying to tell me what to do and so I was giving a lot of snack and praising and such ;) Then we found out it was just the clock.

I've wondered that all the time, because I hear it every night when my room is quiet. It's the electronics inside of it. And if your change it to the clock it's a bit slower and quieter, and is the beat of the seconds. ;)

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