Silver Mist Wolf Pack


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"Oh gosh, being pregnant would be awful. I'd probably be in a worst mood than ever. Everyone'd get sick of me here!" Dawn laughed slightly, her white tail brushing furiously across the ground. "Ahem, darlin'?" Knight was towering behind her and her eyes snapped back to see him, focusing briefly on his slightly annoyed expression. "You're pregnant?" "Oh gosh, no, Knight. I'm not pregnant." Dawn replied feverishly, scrambling to her feet. "Oh, good. I just stepped into the conversation at the wrong time." Knight told her thoughtfully, then addressed Fang; "Can't find your sister anywhere. I think I'll just chill with ya'll for a while."

Fang shrugged, as much as a wolf could, and simply nodded his head, although he secretly wished Knight would go fall in a hole somewhere. "Fine with me."

Knight plopped down next to Dawn, specifically closer than needed, wrapping his tail around her legs. "So, ya'll, what're we up to today? What's there to do 'round here?" Dawn shrugged and cleaned her paw, "I dunno. Fang?"

Fang thought for a moment. "Well, you could go hunt. This place is full of game. There's also a large spring. You could go for a swim," Fang suggested helpfully. "You seem like an active guy." Now, Fang was pretty muscular himself, but Knight was larger than him for sure. Although, when it came to looks, Fang was sure they were about the same. He never had been narcissistic, but Fang was indeed very good looking.

Knight prodded Dawn with his snout, asking for her opinion on the choices Fang had said. "I think going swimming would be great. It's kind of hot anyway and I'm sure my coat is filthy." She grinned at Fang and jumped up, scouting the area for Devlyn to make sure he was alright, then proceeding towards which direction she had remembered seeing a lake. "Come on, guys!" Knight followed her obediently, his muscles swaying as he walked. Yes, to his discomfort, he had to admit that Fang was as attractive as him even though he was a bit more musclar.

Fang walked silently alongside Knight while Dawn led them to the lake. He really didn't like the tension between Knight and him, even though it seemed to be at a surprising low at the moment. "Hey Knight, I know we got a cold start but I don't want this to last between us," Fang said genuinely. "But I am going to say that I really love Dawn. I love her a lot and I'm pretty sure she feels the same way about me as well. I don't know what happened between you two back then but I'm sorry it didn't work out. I really hope that we can be friends and that we can move beyond this tension."

Tive chased Dwvlyn, giggling delightedly and shouting, "I'm gonna catch you! Just you wait and see!" Tive was a very fast little pup, even though she was on the small side. She had been the runt of the litter, but, surprisingly, she'd been the only pup who'd survived. it was nice, to finally feel like a normal pup, playing games and having fun while she still could. Having a friend her age was nice, too, because she lacked companionship when she hung around adults all the time.

Catori was wandering around by herself, looking around with curiosity. She howled happily, like she was singing a song to the woods. It was fun, to sing without a care, like a young pup again. Raising herself had deprived her of puphood, and so she did a little bit of catching up whenever she could. Although, in a way, she felt very lonely. She wanted a friendship that was deeper than that-- one that meant something more. It made her sad, looking at all of the other wolves and their mates. She felt lonesome.

Devlyn skidded around a corner, his gray eyes settling on Tive and a big grin spreading his wolf lips. "Just you try, Tive!" Admittedly, Tive was surprisingly fast for her size, yet Devlyn was significantly more muscular than her and even more than most pups his age - male or female. He figured it had something to do with the extrenuous activity of escaping the forest. Though, of course, if he could, he would absolutely trade everything for that not to have happened.

Knight was utterly shocked that Fang had even said anything to him at all, much less adressing the tension and his love for Dawn. "Well, I do respect you for sayin' that, and yeah the tension is a lil' bit rediculous, since we both love Dawn here and we don't wanna put her through anything she doesn't need. And I do understand that you love her, I do, too well. I say we just get along; how bout it partner?" Of course, Knight didn't want Fang even relatively around Dawn, but he knew Dawn way to well to think he could tell her what to do. So, he'd be a good friend her - purely for Dawn's sake.

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Fang smiled with relief, thankful that Knight was willing to put everything behind them. "I'd like that," he replied with a smile and continued to walk after glancing up at Dawn ahead of them. He knew that dealing with Knight still would not be easy. After all, he had just admitted himself that he loved Dawn as well. That meant Knight was going to compete with him for Dawn, whether they get along or not. Still, it was a comfort knowing that Dawn only had feelings for him and not Knight. It gave him a warm security that everything would turn out in his favor. And nothing that Knight could do would change that.
