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Oct 15, 2007
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Well I was bored so I made up a random poll. ^_^ I have a sketch pad/book and I love it! I would always doodle and sketch in it!

yeah I sketh when Im moody

If im depressed i draw faces

if im just plain what ever mood i draw places and sometimes with Im feeling aprecitive (SP!!!) about my horse I sketch him.

yeah I sketh when Im moody
If im depressed i draw faces

if im just plain what ever mood i draw places and sometimes with Im feeling aprecitive (SP!!!) about my horse I sketch him.
Yes, I agree.

Its more often that I wouldn't draw. Perhaps if it was on demand, but really?

Nah ^_^

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I always have one during school. Always a Loose leaf notebook. I have like over 10 filled with drawings since the 5th grade.

i have nine next to my bed (filled) and three (almost filled) and two mini i carry everywhere. all from 2 years only.

Well I was bored so I made up a random poll. :) I have a sketch pad/book and I love it! I would always doodle and sketch in it!
hey! can u show us one of ur sckeches? and yeah i do have one, its like the oldest scheck pad ever! :( its filled with old lose paper and its kinda riped up and crinkly but i LOVE it.i have been sceching in it since i was like, in third grade!! its cool to flip through the book and see how my drawings have gotten better and better through the years, i feel like an artist! :(

hey! can u show us one of ur sckeches? and yeah i do have one, its like the oldest scheck pad ever! :D its filled with old lose paper and its kinda riped up and crinkly but i LOVE it.i have been sceching in it since i was like, in third grade!! its cool to flip through the book and see how my drawings have gotten better and better through the years, i feel like an artist! :D
Yeah sure I'll try and upload one soon. :)

Yes, and I do love it. I draw it in when I'm bored, angry, sad, really happy, depending on what mood I'm in. I draw pretty simple things. Sometimes I write in it. But I like flipping through it just to see what I used to draw and write. :]

I usually draw with a broken ballpoint pen on paper. No sketch book. xD

Goodness I need my tablet...D:

Sometimes I'll doodle on my schoolwork [wut? geography is BORING!] but I don't have a sketch pad.

Drawing isn't my thing. ;]

Sometimes I'll doodle on my schoolwork [wut? geography is BORING!] but I don't have a sketch pad.
Drawing isn't my thing. ;]
My friend actually took up one whole page in her science book of drawings. As you probably can guess she got badly in trouble.

I have an A3 one, one in school, but I'm really a A4 sheet of paper person myself. ^.^

Just now, I'm drawing stick people resembling me getting bullied and crying to make my parents think I'm 'troubled.' XD

Of course I have a sketchbook >__> My doodle one got confiscated, so I use my other one. If that got confiscated, I have two more, and then I would just bring folders full of paper.

-stares with mouth gaping open- Do I have a sketchpad? Haha..

It only goes EVERYWHERE with me! I doodle wolves in the car.. -pokes needs to be uploaded sweetness wolf- it goes to EVERY class with me! ('cept lunch and computer...XD)

And yet, my lowest grade is in art, wtheck?

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