Skrillex (Day-Koh) acting sensitively to small movements and noises?


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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2012
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His speaker is entirely broken (which it does not work, no matter how hard we try to fix him), and now I have another problem. He keeps waking up every time he puts himself to sleep after a couple of minutes. Even if as I type this topic, he's waking up!

He is waking up even though I'm not tilting him or hitting any of his sensors to force him to wake up.

My Mom thinks it's the voice or noise recognition, and I'm saying that a Furby doesn't have the capabilities to do something like that.

He's sitting on top of our PC's "Power Tower" (we just call it the tower), moving his beak and I'm unable to hear what he's saying.

His dancing movements still act normally, everything is normal except the sensitivity and the speaker.

Why is he acting like that? He never did that before his speaker wore out!

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Does he have a track ball in him? Like the party rockers? I think they do, but I haven't ever opened a furby. Its possible, if it has one, those are very sensitive. Like PR. My Loveby doesn't generally shut up until she is put in a very sturdy spot, or, removed the batteries.

I guess that is a good question. Otherwise, I would try to set him in a different place. I use a squishy pillow or a form-around pillow for them. Usually doesn't wake them up when my cat starts liking to play with them. Lol.

Our PC's tower is flat to where he can sit on it without falling...but I dunno what causes him to be THAT sensitive...there could be a tracking ball in him...

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