Sleep trouble


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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2006
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I'm in my own little world...
I need some tips to help me get to sleep easier at night. For some reason I get sad around when i go to bed and it keeps me up sometimes. I actually cry sometimes. I think its partly because school is almost starting and I am ready for it to start. I just want some help with sleeping. My parents know but i like a variety of options.

I have the same problem. Try drinking a glass of warm milk before bed. It makes me sleepy^^

Don't stress. If you are nervous or something about going back to school, just think of the positives, meeting up with your friends again and catching up, for example.

About your sleeping problem, if you are feeling sad, turn a radio on in your room and listen to it and eventually you will forget all about why you're sad and you will just drift off to sleep. It works for me.

try reading or something that makes you feel well comfortable

i have sleeping problems just do something that you enjoy and you will fall asleep trust me

u could try having a warm bath or shower that makes me sleepy or u could try to drink some nigth tea,things that makes u fall asleep easier :blink:

If you have pets try to get them to lay down next to you or my mom got me some of this when it happened to me but I lost it it's like spray stuff that yousray on your pillow and it'ssupposed to make you feel relaxed. You could also just buy some body mist at like Bath&Body works too.

The same thing happens to me sometimes. If you can't get to sleep, get up and do something that relaxes you, and think about happy things and you'll soon drift off to sleep.

Usually it takes me about an hour to fall asleep. My range is 45 min- 2 hours. I hate it! Sometimes i just have lots of things racing through my mind, or I just am not tired. And it started this summer

Try drinking some Herbal Tea before you go to bed. Its relaxes and calms your nerves. If you still have trouble sleeping close your eyes and picture a relaxing place or sound.

If you're a music lover, like me, try to close your eyes and play your favorite tune in your head. Or listen to some music, and close your eyes. Or close your eyes and just think of the next day, and what will happen. You could count sheep also. That works for me. It might work for you. Oh, and maybe, you just need the television on for a bit while you fall alseep. (If you have a Timer, you should put it on :angry: ) Or just glue your eyes to a screen and then you might get sleepy.

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The best thing is to have a routine. If you don't have a bedtime. Create one. That should be priority one. The mind will think it's 10:00 (or whatever you choose) it's time to go to sleep.

This may sound a little OCD, but try to do things in the same pattern. The mind will also recognize this pattern and it will get you into the mindstate needed to sleep.

Secondly, are you getting enough sleep? Adults usually need 6-7 hours of sleep at night, some only four. Children need anywhere from 8-12. If you aren't getting enouch sleep sometimes it can cause the reverse effect of sleepiness.

Abstain from caffeene products like pop, coffee, and any kind of stimulant type thing at least three hours prior to sleep.

Also, don't go to bed sleeping in day clothes. This is not only psychosomatic but also allows for you tos leep more comfortably. Again it's also separating in your mind those moments from awake to sleep.

Once you get that down and are still having trouble sleeping...

try counting slowly to 100. Follow your heartbeat. Visualize each number in your head.

Also, listen to calming music before bed. visualize your troubles slipping away with the music. (Calming music doesn't mean classical, whatever calms you down. My friend used to have alanis morrisette playing in the background.)

Since you mentioned crying. Do you write a journal? If not, start one, just a small one, before bed, letting out those exhausted emotions and feelings that have been nagging at you. This way you can close the covers of that book and know that they're in that book now and contained. That's what I do when the anxiety starts taking over my life. Heck, even if you can't write, draw, if you can't draw, do whatever creative medium gets out thouse feelings. That should help, I believe. Make a drawer or something specific for it if it's not in the covers of a book. That way you know it's contained.

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Thanks guys. This will help. I actually get mood swings (puberty started at minimum age, wihich i am now, so it's really new) so I tell myself im having a mood swing when i get sad.

OMG,i have the same problem as you i am always sad when i go to bed(not from depression) i dunno...nighttime is just well.....sad.

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