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ya one time i was at my bf's house and he was so tired cause he stayed up all night and then he came down stairs and said I NEED CHEESE AND CRACKERS and then he picked up a pen scribbled on his arm fell down on the floor and went back to sleep!

Last night I sleep talked hehe I said you smell like apples. Lol and I woke up.

I did once sleeptalk a little.

In my dream, I was AIMing a weirdo who spammed me a lot, and I had this poster in my room above my bed, and my IMs got transferred to there, and my little brother came in the room, and the person started saying the f-word, and he didn't know that word yet, so I tried to take down the poster using my feet while I was lying on my bed, but I couldn't so I yelled "Get out! Get out!" and I was still yelling it as I was waking up, I think.

[SIZE=13pt]I don't sleep walk or talk. I sleep soundly and still. My mom says I sleep like an *angel*. Get it? <3[/SIZE]

Yea I do both. I found out I sleeptalk on my 7th grade end of the year trip. I reveiled to the whole bus who I like when we went to Indiana(I live in Michigan). :D

I also twitch alot in my sleep but my trick to stop that is to roll up in a ball under the covers and hold one of my legs with my hand and it calms them down lol.

Oh boy :mimitchi:

I do both. I stopped sleepwalking after "The Incident..." (Or more clearly, I was up sleepwalking, my skateboard was by the stairs and I tripped on it, crashing down the stairs. I broke some of the cartilage in my nose because of that :rolleyes: )

I sleeptalk also. And I still do. At a sleepover last year, my friends got videos of me sitting in a corner (That was when I still sleepwalked) saying "Costa Rica is made from nutty nutmeg..." and "Mom, why is Michael Jackson eating our kitchen?". Now, I can't make my friends mad or else they would post that on youtube xD.

I have to admit, it is pretty funny watching me sitting there going all "Michael Jackson has our cupboard in his teeth..." (I actually said that XD)

I do both sometimes.

One time, I was reading books on my parents' bed and fell asleep. I sleep with my eyes rolled back into my head and my mum came in and saw me. She screamed, then said "Go back to bed!" I was like "OK!!!" and mumbled on like a drunk man while waddling to bed. I WAS ASLEEP.

And this other time, I said "Goodnight invisible red elephants and blue chickens" in a weird voice. My friends woke u saying, "that's weird". I was like "Yeah, how can an elephant be invisible and red at the same time?!" LOL, good times.

Apparently, I do sleepwalk & sleeptalk. Sometimes my sleepwalk can be really bad so my dad has to put this big cushion thing at the front of my door 0_o

I used to sleepwalk when I was younger. My mom said I almost walked into a wall once. o.o

I don't think I sleepwalk anymore, though.

I don't talk in my sleep as far as I know, but my friend sure does.



My sister always sleeptalks. She talks gibberish in her sleep. o_0

My sister always sleeptalks. She talks gibberish in her sleep. o_0
Is she a little sister? I remember at my old house my sister and I shared a room and she used to snore a little and talk alot lol. It was actually creepy lol.

i sleepwalk. and i only do it in my summer home for some reason. like 3 years ago, my cousin was sleeping over and i climbed down the ladder. and went to my mom's bed. then she couldnt sleep cause i was tossing in turning so she put me on the floor in a sleeping bag xD. this year i slept walk to the couch and i woke up with my mom sitting by my feet, talking to my dad.

i have some pretty funny ones about my friends and family.

one time i had to sleep in my brothers room because my grandma was sleeping in my room. so i stayed up and i heard my brother sleeptalk. he said a whole bunch or gibberish i remember he said "chinacat"...he does it all the time. another time, in my summer home, i saw him jump up and yell "WHAT?!". xD

my friend Leat told me that she started doing dance dance revoultion in her sleep. she said her dad watched her. my other friend Katie, said that she cooked chicken in her sleep (she has one of those special chicken cooker things that rotate them) she also jumped on the bed in her sleep. one time at her sleep away camp, she read some archie comics before bed. so she read strip of Veronica tanning, so in her sleep that night, she put a bathing suit over her pajamas laid a towel on the porch and laid down on it. in the morning she woke up and screamed and everyone stared at her. xD

Is she a little sister? I remember at my old house my sister and I shared a room and she used to snore a little and talk alot lol. It was actually creepy lol.
Yeah shes my lil sis.

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