Small Collection of Poems I've Written


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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2010
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Just throw me away

Like you always wanted to

You destroyed my day

This is all 'cause of you

Was I a burden?

Did I wiegh down your life?

I'm a victim of your murderin'

By your reaping scythe

Cold and sharp

Quick and painful

I hear heavens harp

But it's not joyful

I lay there dead my soul no more

It was you my heart went to

It was you I adore

It was always about you.

I'm walking down a path thinking it's right

But my destination ain't in sight

Thinking I'm now a wasted life

That I'd be better off using a knife

If I keep going I'll just fall

Off a cliff

Where I cant crawl

And now I'm just a myth

I just wanna say I love you

But I know it's something I shouldn't do

Something I really shouldn't

And I really couldn't

I just wanna shout it out

I love you without a doubt

There's nowhere to turn

There's no one to talk to

My thoughts will not adjourn

There was no one better than you

The voice in my head speaks to me

Saying you're all alone

Thoughts saying you won't succeed you see

The world has a darkened tone

Love is just an illusion

Just like my life

There's no you and me fusion

We're split by a fake knife

Everything I had is non existent

Especially meeting you

I was so persistent

Meeting you is what I rue

I wish my mind would clear

I wish my feelings would evacuate

I wish my thoughts would disappear

I wish my memories would disintegrate

I don't want to feel what I feel

I don't want to think what I think

I don't want to see what I see

I wish none of this was real

Pressure is making me sink

It's all forced upon me

If you clear out my mind

Bad thoughts are all you'll find

Not a happy thought in sight

Just pain and fright

I hope they're liked.

coolio i write poems about dragons and my pokemon and books ive read my mum think the amazing (but she would shes my mum) writing is more my thing at the moment im writing a book called the lost spirits of the ice forest (my mum thinks it great two but i agree its flicking AWSOME)

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