Smart and kind Pochitchi, mean hanatchi!


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Whine grabbed her and tried to strangle her but luckily something came in there way and it was...

"Sara?" said Anna and Whine and then Whine added "Sara, help me! Anna tried to strangle me and - " "I saw all that happened, thank you!" said Sara, who was now a adult and she was a :D "I saw you trying to strangle Anna!" But after that Whine burst into tears and said "N- n - no, Sara, d - d - don't b -" "NO Whine! I used to be your friend, but know I do have the evidence, and you can see, I took a photo!" said Sara and showed her the photo "NOOO!" yelled Whine and burst into tears again "Don't take me to the Tama Police!" she said, still sobbing, but Sara grabbed her but the hands and phoned the police. Soon Whine was being put into jail, but the next day brought bad news to Anna "And a criminal called Whine has escaped from a highly guarded jail, no one knows her whereabouts, but many people claim to of seen her on the run..." said the Radio announcer which made Anna say "Oh no..."

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And Whine came up in a hidious jail outfit and said "You'll pay Bucker"(Thats Annas last name)So she found a way to get Anna in jail.Take the photos and edit them!The stupid angelgotchi police fell for it.Anna was on the death sentance!SO anna had to find a way out of this sitiuation.

Ally, who was a :angry: , Went to visit her mum Anna :wub: while she was in jail. Anna :wub: did not know what to do. The day when she's supposed to die came...

Sara came and visited her on the day of her death and said "Don't worry. I'm speaking to the judge, I'm telling him the whole story since I was a Ichigotchi!" When she went in court there was the judge who was a :angry: . Sara was to tell the whole story about Anna to the judge along with (Anna's heart sank) Whine. Sara began her side of the story "I used to be Whine's best friend" she said, and taking a breath, she continued "When I grew up, I saw Whine sneaking Anna's baby away from her house. Then she starved her baby at her house. One day, her daughter, Ally ascaped, but really it was Whine in disguise. Whine has caused trouble in this city. She's EVIL! (Which made Whine gasp) She's haves a drink with the best boys in town, but sneaks Love Potion in there Drinks, to make them fall in love with her. But then Whine found Anna and tried to strangle her, but she got in jail. Thats all!" The judge nodded and Whine began her part of the story...

Whine :D : No one ever liked me, Ally ^_^ was my child. Anna :D tried to straggle me. I did not try to strangle her! The judge did not know who was guilty...

shut up! yelled some random person in the room. then anna said.....

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