Smoking Tekechi


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Sep 15, 2006
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I discovered my daughters 5year old Tekechi SMOKING and ENJOYING a pint of ale!!!! What's that all about? Im sure my Hidatchi was having a sneaky drink also. They were definately NOT brushing their teeth. Has anyone else had this? :) :D ;)

No, honestly it was clearly puffing on a cigarette. Its cheeks had little lines on when it puffed. It happened yesterday when it was 5

why shouldnt they have some fun, 2 :hitodetchi:

It's not a Cigar, it's brishing it's teeth. I've heard this one a few times now, and that is always the answer.

It sometimes dose appear as smoking and drinking, but it is brushing it's teeth.


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Do you have a picture? If your tama does it again either scan it or take a picture of it

It did it again this morning! Yes, I managed to get a photo so bear with me till I figure out how to get it on to this page.

It is definately smoking. I've seen the other tama brush its teeth and it looks nothing like it is smoking...similar cup though

bogfrog, I think this is one of those "Have to see it to believe it" threads/claims. I know that's what I'm thinking. Hope you can show us some pictures!

when the tama smoks and pufs its the tooth brosh poshing the cheak and the cup is the water so it can spit owt the tooth past or yue can ask bandi abot this. is that so hard. :rolleyes: lol

Your Tamagotchi isnt smoking or drinking. lol.


She was just brushing her teeth. Mine does that too, like right before her bedtime and in the morning.

no its not! Its just brushing its teeth like you and me. :angry: In the morning and at night before it goes to bed, or it might of been yawning. Tamas yawn a little bit before they go to sleep, I turn the lights out and it just goes to sleep early because its tired. Tamas also do this in the morning. Tamas do not drink or smoke, Its a toy for kids for crying out loud! :angry:

*Mamitchi465* :angry:

showing us a pic would clear it up... bandai isn't that stupid


okay well....... i dont think bandai would make thier toys encourage kids 2 smoke , so it might have been doing sumthing else......

Yes, like CS said, it is normal! :blink:Your Tama is just brushing it's teeth in the morinng when it wakes up! :D ;) :blink:


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Right, here we go...I have seen the "brushing of teeth' and it is quite different to this thing that was going on. Yes, I have taken photos and wonder how you would put the photo on to this page. Does anyone know how you can do this???

how you would put the photo on to this page. Does anyone know how you can do this???
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