Smooth Moments


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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
When I say smooth, I mean sarcastically, and in a way you or someone else was prossibly humiliated... :D

Well, I just had a smooth moment not too long ago. My mom wanted to wash all my jeans, so she asks me to take off the ones I'm wearing. I go to the bathroom, and try to get my jeans off. One leg gets stuck on my foot, and BAM! I lose balance, fall, hit my bottom off the toilet then land on the tiled floor, making a huge noise. My mom comes in and sees me in my underwear, puzzled and says, "What happened?" Smooth, I tell myself. Very smooth.

Have you had any smooth moments like I have? :(

If you think it's too private or personal, you don't have to share. :D

A few nights ago my friend was trying to take a picture of me eating a juicy drop pop and I flipped her off. She called me an idiot and then proceeded to fall off my bed.

I wrote her a note, and this picture was born:


It's not a great picture of me, but I think it speaks for itself xP

I guess that could be kind of a 'smooth' moment, lol.


No, my hair isn't greasy. It's styling wax. It's waxy xP As if that's any better.

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I AM EXTREMELEY clumsy, so when ever I fall, I just laugh and say "Smooth...just smooth" so I had ALOT of smooth momtents.

I was waiting for me mom to pick me up from school, and i was standing there and did a chartwheel out of nowhere ! so my waterbottle goes flying and down the hill and gets smushed buy a car. All i could think ... Smooth ... so ... so smooth

Yeah! :(

Once, I waited in-line for candy canes for the first half of break (when we eat at school) so me and my friends go abck to our portable and we got to stay inside and eat. So, I'm finished eating and I'm waiting for my friends....and I go over to the door saying, "I'm not waiting any longer!". I open the door and I'm face to face with my teacher and she asks, "What are you doing still inside!?" (she didn't know, the EA knew) I said to myself: Smooth. Very smooth.


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Instead of saying smooth, I say pro.. LoL, it's a bad habit...

I had a smooth moment today..

My friends and I ussually make up excuses to go to our lockers, then we just hang out in the bathroom for 10 minutes, so I asked my teacher

"Can I go get my pencil case? No no, I mean, can I go to the bathroom?"

"Ya sure"

"Are you serious?!"


LoL, it was a dumb moment..

Well.. it's not my fault that this one happened, but it's one of my riend, Amber's, moments.

We were at Waisabi (and by we I mean the WHOLE cheerleading team) and the guy that was cooking for us, was throw rice balls at people so they would catch it in their mouths.

He was about to throw one at Amber and she said "No! No throwie at me!" And then he went "Okay!" and threw one at her.

She picked up herplate and accidently dropped it! UIt shattered every where!

It was silent, and you could hear people sitting at the other tables turn around and look at us!

Amber started laughing, and we all laughed with her, and me and Javonda said "Smooth Amber, Smooth!" and clapped, and everyone else started clapping.

LoL CuteDancingBailey

Now that I think about it, I have a good one thats like smashing stuff....

We were at the movies and I bought a glass Icetea to the movie theater, like I snuck it in, and after the movie I gave the bottle to my friend, and her and my other friend were fighting over it, and she dropped it and it smashed EVERYWHERE! The worker people looked at us, and we walked out akwardly, it was something we would remember though, hehe...

Afterwards I'm like, "smooth..."

LoL CuteDancingBailey
Now that I think about it, I have a good one thats like smashing stuff....

We were at the movies and I bought a glass Icetea to the movie theater, like I snuck it in, and after the movie I gave the bottle to my friend, and her and my other friend were fighting over it, and she dropped it and it smashed EVERYWHERE! The worker people looked at us, and we walked out akwardly, it was something we would remember though, hehe...

Afterwards I'm like, "smooth..."
Heh, it was funny.It was on Friday to....

LOL I just had a smooth moment!

Okay, so I refridgerate Snikers bars, because they taste a whole lot better frozen..

I was sneaking into the kitchen to get one of those Snikers when BAM I saw my dad doing dishes.

I crept back to my room, put on some socks (without socks my feet make me sound all noisey on hard wood floors, and did the army crawl thing through the living room to the kitchen.

I was in the kitchen (well right beside it) and my dad was at the sink (right above where I was hiding) (I was hiding under this bar thing) I sat there and sat there timing how long it took before he put something down in the dishwasher.finally I headed straight for the fridge!

I did it!

I got the Snickers without him knowing!

I ran straight to my room, and went back in there, acting all normal, and BAM I started cracking up.

My dad asked me what happened and I had to tell him the whole thing, I just didn't tell him what I got out of the fridge.

Now he thinks he has to keep an eye on me, 'cause he thinks I'm a sneak now.

I keep tripping on my pants legs. I did it infront of my brother in law the other day. I fell forward onto one of our chairs. No biggie. For now...

When I'm talking to someone and I am tripping over my own feet and then almost fall over...

I once did that when I was talking to Michael I think...

I almost fell over and I was talking to him and I was thinking "Nice one Caitlin"

Oh well I'm an idiot

smooth is my favorite word I USE IT ALMOST EVERY DAY!!! LOL

if you dont say hitting a door frame in your own house and getting a (literaly) orange sized bruise (complete with goose bump) then i dont know what is XE

it lasted like 2 1/2 weeks- actualy its still ther XS

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