Smudgey's Pet Shop


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I have decided to eliminate the hi-fives and hugs from the form, and just leave the friends bit on there. That way, it saves space and it isn't so confusing. And also, some adoption centers have a rank level. So, added now to the form is rank!

Here's how it works:

People PM you to get your 'Friends' up. Depending on how many 'friends' PMs you have, you can change your rank. Here is the chart on how it goes.

FriendLevel0(FL): New Born

FL1: Preschool

FL4: Schoolgirl/Boy

FL8: High School Freshman

FL12: High School Senior

FL16: University

FL18: First Job- Serving Fast Food

FL22: Traveling the World

FL26: Promotion- Manager

FL30: Getting Married

FL34: Kids!

FL38: Cycle starts over (Gen.2)

Remeber, you can always refer to my pet if you get confused!

Please be patient if there is a technical glitch. I will fix it as fast as I can!


I am going to be away until the 2nd or 3rd of May. If you apply for a pet and don't recieve it in a few days, that is why. When I come back, I shall put up a post saying so.

The supplies just come as another image. What name and gender? I'll have to give it to you when I get back from holiday though, which will be in a few days.

I think I MIGHT close down, this is getting a bit complicated. I will close down, unless anyone votes for me not to.

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