*snowing* Hello everyone:


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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2005
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Here in my home canada have snowing wet. Ever you see 2008 snowing in your area?

It so cute see snow first in oct.

[SIZE=7pt]EW . SNOW ?![/SIZE]

Just wondering, what part of Canada do you live in ?

I live in Southern Ontario, and it isn't snowing yet . Though it is frightfully cold, only 4 degrees. :[

Leave us alone winter.

Just wondering, what part of Canada do you live in ?

I live in Southern Ontario, and it isn't snowing yet . Though it is frightfully cold, only 4 degrees. :[


I lived in eastern ontario and that is good question!

I live in Texas. It's bee really cold lately (YAY!!!) but sadly, not cold enough so snow. We haven't had a white christmas in years ;(

Mm... today, I wasn't cold, just like ever. Though I do live in Canada. Around Toronto. I just have strange senses. I'm immune to cold. Awesome? I think so. My friends use me as a furnace xD

[SIZE=7pt]EW . SNOW ?!
Just wondering, what part of Canada do you live in ?

I live in Southern Ontario, and it isn't snowing yet . Though it is frightfully cold, only 4 degrees. :[

Leave us alone winter.[/SIZE]
Same. It's been cooler and windy today, but none of that four letter word as of yet. You must be either further north or out west or something.


[SIZE=7pt]^ Haha, this teacher at my school, hates snow so much if anyone says it she gets mad, and insist we call it "The S word" Lmao !![/SIZE]

I think Im , right near Toronto (not to get too specific). Apparently its supposed to snow tomorrow -.- Lets hope notttt !

I live in Alberta (Near Calgary, to be more specific :mellow: ). On Sunday, it felt like a blizzard, except for the snow since it melted when it hit the ground :angry:

It's getting colder and colder everyday. Sunday was -5 (with the wind chill), but still compared to nothing since last year it nearly got to -50 (It was actually -48), but either way, x_____x

LOL This is the second snow topic I've seen on here theres one sort of like this right here :D https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=150460

but oh well. Like I said in that topic I love snow but it hasn't snowed here yet :( I hope it does! The only problem is it's freezing outside >_<;; ( it's hard for me to get out of bed on school days ). Lol XP.

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I live in Texas, today it got down to 40*f at 6am. IT. IS. HORRIBLE. Almost as bad as that time I visited my g.parents in Wisconsin. Luckily it got back up to 80*f later, but that's still kinda cold for me. I hate winter. The only thing I will tolerate in winter is christmas, new year's eve parties, and snow. Which we never even get.

I live in Texas. It's bee really cold lately (YAY!!!) but sadly, not cold enough so snow. We haven't had a white christmas in years ;(

I live near Dallas, and last year (my first year here) it snowed. And I was like "...WTF?"

It didn't last long, but it was wowamazing. My first actual snowfall. Ever.

It's gotten colder here too. But not freezing. We're down in the 50's now. I don't expect snow, I've been told not too. Informed, actually.

"Does it snow every year!?"

"No. Don't expect it."

I change my mind, I want it cold. If it gets to 30*f the roads start to close and we get a half day in school. We might not get snow but we get ICE, ICE, ICEEEEEEEE..... *bursts into song and dance*

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