SO excited :3


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Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
New York
So, I just asked out the guy that I really like. I have for a long time now.

Earlier in the day my friend had told him (>.<) This was their convo.

Her:Why didn't you answer *my name's* texts?

Him: I was at the mall with my friends, sorry.

Her: Oh OK...she is asking you out. What are you going to say?

Him: You'll seeeee.

So now I am staring at the phone, waiting for his answering text message!

EDIT: He said no. :/

New point of topic: Has this happened to you?

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Hope he answers you! If he doesn't call you, he's not a good boyfriend.

Aw. :[ That happened to me before. ;_;

I asked him out and he said no. D:< Now he likes me. :D [scott]

Aw Storms ! :[ I'm so so so so sorry!

He doesn't deserve you anyways.

Your too good for him.

Just remember I still love you. :3

dang him D:< -rabid growling- Don't make me get my butt up there!!!

Anyzeway, I'm so sorry Storms <3

He's not good enough, and if he said no, well, ask him if he's gay. xD
My friend already did (literally) ahha. It was hilarious.

Thanks you guys. The support is immensely appreciated.

way to young to do that

I'm still in the "Boys are yucky" stage!

I'm sorry to hear that! All you can do is learn and build from it - and hope for the better next time! :furawatchi:

I've never asked anybody out. I'm too old-fashioned and emotionally insecure.

S'kay. I've just liked him for a while.
I might as well make use of this topic. Has this ever happened to you?
Yus... this was our text convo.

Spencer: Julia keeps asking me what I would say if you asks me out and stuff like that. Do you like me?


Me: *after long hesitation* Yes.

Spencer: I dont kno how to respond to that. Sry. R we still cool?

This was a few days before Christmas, I was so upset. Then I went out with Chip for about a week, but we broke up because we barely saw each other and stuff. I nearly cried because I still like him so much. I was heart broken, but I didn't necessarily show it.

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