So, I'm putting this here, because I'm fairly certain this is a normal thing but...


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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2004
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Lansing, MI
So, I recently got a Music Star Tamagotchi. But, you know, they're (Tamagotchi's) sort of hard to take care off all the time. I don't really wanna pause it or adjust the time, but I just kind of try and manage the best I can.

The very first 'Gotchi I got though, we'll call her Abby, got to adulthood, but then a few days after, she was mad! I couldn't push any buttons. I couldn't even pull it out of silent mode! (Which I had it on for class). Then, afterwards ( a while afterwards though. Like, an hour or so?) There was a goodbye note. :c Sadness

Welp, then I got new egg, and manged to take care of THAT one until he had his own widdle babu. And now that widdle babu is grown up.

And now it's mad at me. OTL

Same deal, yelling at me, and I can't press any buttons. Is this a normal thing? You can't do anything but watch them yell at you before they inevitably leave? :c What should I do?

I guess you could say that this is "normal" the sense that it will happen if you don't take care of it well/neglect it. Music Stars are pretty high maintenance, especially if you've got a busy life (we've all been there), so if you're not prepared to feed it, discipline it, play the games, keep its stress down, allow it to participate in concerts, and all that stuff on a fairly regular basis, your Music Star will run away from you (hence, the note that it leaves behind). Once your Music Star gets that look on its face that precedes the goodbye note, there's nothing you can do...although if you catch it before it leaves the note, you can sort of cheat the system by pressing the reset button in the back of the unit and select "download" so that it is downloaded to the last significant event (i.e., last IR connection, last evolution, etc.) and hopefully a happier and more healthy time for your Tamagotchi. ;)

I'm sorry to say, but you haven't taken good care of your tamagotchi so it died. You might have forgot to feed it and it got hungry and died. Or you could have let it have illness for a long period of ttime and it passed away, or might have just been of old age. Try to feed it till the happy and hunger hearts are filled on the stats screen.(The first icon) Also if it gets sick go give it medicine.(the chest icon) So good luck with your new baby and have fun!


@ Old School Tama - Yeah, I was figuring it was because of unhappiness or not enough food. I know that. xD I was wondering if there was anything you could do.

But apparently, there is! I found on a different site that if you toggle the A and C buttons while it's doing that, it'll return to the normal screen and you can "fix" it by making it happy and stuff. I dunno if that's some sort of soft reset or something, but, it worked, so, hey.

@ Lawrence - Um... Did you read the post? xD Or perhaps posted in the wrong topic...?

hmmmmmmmmmmm yeh there is that but how often r u gnna be there when hes havin a go at u. the other alternitive is to actually care for it or put it on pause

aww... that hasen't happend to me yet. but I hope that you can figure something out so that kind of thing doesn't happen again. very needy they are, the music star. I had the same kind of gig. leave it in pocket during class with the sound off and not playing with it but letting it grow. I did the best I could (I actually slipped in a few silent concerts during classes) but I got the horrrible care charater! this guy -> :tarakotchi: yeah... aftern that I decided that my music star was more of a weekend-vacation tamagotchi. so either you should make the Music star a only weekend thing, or you should play a more laid back version, cuz lets face it, tarakotchi is not easy to look at on the music star's screen. :tarakotchi:

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