Socially Unexceptable?


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I recently started up my tamas again after finding them in my many boxes of stuff packed. But i bring them with me to work, they arein my purse everywhere i go. No one has really said anything tome at work when implaying with them or they are ont eh desk. Heck friday while i was at the hospital waiting room waiting on my mom to get out surgery i was playing it infront of my preacher..and a family friend..and they didnt even say anything. Now on the other hand my boss and manager found out today i had them...just kinda laughed and that was it....Dont really care its different its teachin responibility insome way!!! :huh:

This is nothing new. I remember back during the first craze when no one wanted to be seen with one anymore. Someone saw me with one and said to me that they weren't cool anymore. I may have stopped playing them in front of people but I never stopped playing with virtual pets. Now at 23 I really try not to let people at work bother me. Some are interested while others tell me to stop playing with a toy.

All of my friends know about it and they laugh at me, but at the end of the day, it's all good. It's just one of my quirks, and they have theirs too.

Part of it IS the way that people have been raised in school; the teachers don't like Tams, they mess with people's heads, and only a few people like them; TA-DA!!! You have a society of Tamagotchi-haters Booing against Tamagotchi-lovers. :D

Tamagotchis ARE Cute <3

I take my Tama everywhere, except school. :eek:

I'm 14, and I'm in my first year of High School, and if I were to bring my tama to school, everyone would laugh at me and make fun of me, especially because I'm a boy. My friends would probably do nothing but tease me once then let me be, but I don't know why people have to be so rude about them!

I mean, we all know that at one time in all of those people's lives they probably owned, or maybe even thought about owning a Tama, and some of them haven't even probably heard of a Tamagotchi before.

All a Tamagotchi is is a little pixel running around on a little screen and you feed it and just make sure it doesn't die.

Sometimes I think about bringing my Tama, and only play with it when I'm alone, like in the washroom, on a different bus from everyone else, and even at a different bus stop then everyone else. It's no fair that I have to hide the things I love so then I wouldn't be laughed at and picked on, and embarresed for eternity.

People can be so extremely imature!! :)

My parents always get a little irked whenever I buy a Tamagotchi... They think it's for little kids, but, oh well! At least I'm not buying make-up and such!

I always keep my Tamagotchi's at home, and whenever I'm going somewhere else, the Tamagotchi's go to sleep. I do not want to be teased by other people! Sensitive soul, me. :mimitchi:

I'm 17, in highschool, and STILL play with Tamagotchis. Nobody at my school cares what others play with or do, they just accept it. Except for my mom, she says that I "need to grow up", meanwhile my three older sisters, my older brother, and dad think its fine that I play with Tamagotchis.

I brought my V6 Music Star to the store today. B)

I didn't get teased, but I almost dropped some food on it. :D

MORAL OF THE STORY, HERE: Don't bring your Tamagotchi to a store with a restaurant in it. :) And NO, it WASN'T Wal-Mart. :D

There's nothing wrong with playing with them. I still do at 22. I told my family and friends I've been looking to buy them again and so far they all gave me the "Are you on crack?!" look. I mean honestly considering the fact half my friends play video games, computer games and we all still dress up in costumes for photoshoots and faires, then why should playing with Tamagotchis be any different? My family shook their head but they know I'm nuts considering I've been drawing a cute illustration of poop on all the bathroom spray deodorizers. Funny enough that wasn't inspired by Tamas was by puppets that used to be on old school Sesame Street.

I don't know why anyone should care what other people think. It's your life, not theirs. I don't remember high schoolers feeling ashamed that much about them when I went. I guess maybe kids are giving the stink eye towards Tamas because the new adult age these days is around ten yrs old.

I love Tamagotchis, but people make fun of me because of it.

I like Warriors(Warrior Cats), Pokemon, and Tamas.

At my shool, my class says about Warriors "it's too violent why do your parents let you read all that blood and gore?" and Pokemon, "it's for people with no lives". And they think Tamagotchi is, "OMG you must be on drugs to play that 3 year old girly things".

Causing me to be a "social loner". But I still have freinds, thankfully. And I take my Tamaws everywhere with me exceps school, because you are not alowed to have electronics in school. One time, I even took my Tamas to a Social at school, and I made freinds with two freind, all because of my Tamagotchis.

So I have twelve and proud of it! :ph34r:

Yeah I guess most people associate tamas with young children. But seriously, what's wrong with keeping your inner child?

I am 19, and I am a bit wary about playing with tamas in public. People stare at you weirdly, gosh, it's not like we are doing a bad thing! :lol:

This society these days are like: once your turn eighteen, you must abandon all childhood games and toys. Tamagotchi is just a hobby, like those people who collect figurines and play sets. No difference.

And just ignore it if people teases you, because they are not worth worrying about. My close friends know I have a few tamas, and they don't laugh at me or anything, because they are my friends and we are all unique.

Remember, "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~ Dr. Seuss

I am soon going up to Secondry school. I think I will have to hide them. I'll probably be teased. I don't see why we should have to really. It all seems ridiculous.

Anybody who doesnt own a tamagotchi and thinks they're chidish should just buzz off. Tamas are for everybody. I bring my tamagotchi to school (v6 music star) and ANYBODY who gives me a funny look, I give them a funny look back thinking, you dont know what your missing. :p Tamagotchis are sooo awesome and a lot of friends at school are starting to doubt our friendship just because I own one. I feel hurt! :( :lol: Although, everybody else Im trying to get them to buy one. Some people say "I dont know its a lot of money" or "Ill see what I can do" but most of the time, I think they just want to still be friends, no matter what I like. Those are the people I want to hang out with :) Everybody else can think what they want to think, weidos. :p I mean who cant love tamagotchi? :D

Tamagotchis can be said as sad. I'm a boy who goes to Secondary School. I shall never bring them to school. I told someone I used to have a tama (I now have tamagotchis) and they laughed and ran away. Someone said to me:

"W.. w... well they they they they they are for three-year girls!" then snorted.

I'm 14 and one of very few who still has a tamagotchi...i take him to school but dont mention or look after him in front of those who arent my friends. Tamas are 'for kids' but I still like them and those who have the mindset that they are childish are just missing out. Apparently at 14 you have to be mature in anyway. Of course talking dirty is looked over but *gasp!* that girl has a tama! what is she thinking!" but i dont really care.

=] I am a tough cookie!

in my school its not allowed 2 bring them but i used 2 bring my v3 but when i bought ny v5 i was 2 scared 2 bring it.all girls in my class know that i have tamagotchis but they dont make fun of me. im 12 and in grade six but i look like im in grade 2 or 3 cuz im very veeery short. even if i was tall and old like 13 or 14 i would still bring them in public cuz its not the same here in riyadh.

love TAMA LOVE 1275

I'm in grade 11 and iu bring mine to school everyday and if they go off in the middle of class i take care of them, people call me a baby and alot of other things but i don't care i love my tamas!! they're the best handheld virtual toys out there :hitodetchi:

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