Socially Unexceptable?


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I don't know what an honest answer for this would be, because where I live, hardly anyone even knows what a Tamagotchi is! I think they wouldn't really be socially acceptable though only because who wants to care for a virtual pet right? I do! Seeing as I'm not that popular anyway, it doesn't really matter what people think of me and my tams!

I remember in my school the students organized "SSOT" which is the Secret Society of Tamagotchis". In the first time period of this organization we had about 250+ members, all with tamagotchi v1's. After a few years it ended.

But after the launch of v2/v3, we started up again, but with a few "changes". The New version of this group was exclusive, as only certain people could enter/leave the club at different times. We developed a code language and had secret notebooks of information, meeting logs, and other stuff like that.

It was fuuunnn! but everybody EXEPT ME QUIT!!!! :D

You shouldn't feel like a social outcast if you like Tama's, but I know what it's like in that kind of school situation. Luckily, I'm a college student, but I'm only 18, I just got a music star myself. Some days at school I have a two hour break between classes and I help my best friend babysit her niece's. I break out my laptop and sign into and her, me, and the little girls all sit around and watch the Tama's, chat, and run around battling with my CD's. I'm not ashamed at all to have my Tama's, though of course I do mute them while I am in class, because they can still get taken away, no matter how old you are ^_^

Hmm... This one guy at my school would always sing the v3 theme whenever he saw me. (so old) I'm on vacation now... but when I get back i'm gunna be like "not a v3.. a v6!" Be proud of your tamas. Everyone else is missing out on the fun because they think its for 5 year olds.

If they say ur nuts because you play with Tamagotchis , then they're nuts .

There's nothing wrong with playing games .



M{MEGGANNN.™} :gozarutchi:

Age: 21

Had a craving for tamagotchi around christmas. Mentioned it to my best friend.

Now I got a new 4.5. Still first gen since I just opened it last week.

It was exciting on the first day. Then it got slow as I became more familiarized with the functions and buttons.

Now I find it quite slow, and just purchased another 2 from ebay and amazon. Hopefully that will spice things up. It's fun, if only more things happened from time to time.


Work: brought it to my piano lesson. (i teach three kids) I put it in my pocket on mute. and checked its status between kids. Kids' dad asked me what it was I was fiddling with after I'm done and leaving. I mentioned Tamagotchi, and he just smiled.


Haven't had a chance to bring it to classes yet, but I suspect that I wouldn't have a problem. I fiddle with my cell and even ipod sometimes in class. Just another piece of electronic toy I bring to fiddle with.

I haven't had to much difficulty with it. I know one guy who seems to hate me for being a boy into tamagotchi. I'm 14 years old and like cute things, their is nothing wrong with that! I'm not gay, and I have a girlfriend and this dude things I'm a queer. He's an idiot anyway so who cares.

This is so true. Besides, Tamagotchis' were first created and aimed for HIGH SCHOOL girls. That was their target. I really think that it's based on a person's level of maturity, because if you are immature, you would most likely "make fun" of someone using an item that you think is a child's game. But, people have their own opinions, you can't change other people's point of veiw, but a sign of immaturity would be if they bullied someone about other's opinions. Of course, I'm only a child myself, so I do not think I am the best person to answer your question. *cough cough* 11-years-old *cough cough*... Although, I'm still a young age, I am ALSO made fun of for bringing a tamagotchi to school. It's a sad life we live today :blink:

i think they should be more accepted, because they are hard to care for, and they are really awesome!! i never hide mine, except at school, in fear of getting caught :p but in other places i wear them around my neck or keep them in my purse and take them out and play with them. one of my friends once bought some v5s and we both had them. well, i don't think she still likes them now, but oh well! all my friends know i love tamas, and they don't care! all my friends are very accepting of differences, like moi! :(

It kind of depends on what school you go to. At my old school we had a tamagotchi craze and after it was over I was the only one who still played with tamas but people didnt tease me or anything because they had once loved their tamas. At my new school I would never had mentioned I had tamas until one girl came to school with one and I started playing with it. My friends there said they had a tama craze too, but now they thought they were for babies, but I didnt care because me and 2 other people still like them.

^^^^ Same! In 5th grade there was a Tamagotchi v3 craze. When the v4 came out I wa the only one to get one, the other people just moved on. I, on the other hand, kept mine. I raised my v4 for a long time. Got a v4.5, then v5, v5C, now Music Star. I do have spaces inbetween where I just take a break from them, but I still love them. :(

I don't really understand how people think they are for "little kids" because they are actually kind of difficult to take care of!

I bought one for my 4 year old sister at Christmas, (it was a v4.5) and she loved it to bits, and kept it alive for a few generations, but it was difficult for her to use (especially because she cant read) and it eventually died.

So, tamagotchis aren't really a childish toy.

And I've taken mine to school before (of course I hid it in my purse).

At my middle school, loads of girls in my class had a tamagotchi (this was when the v2 came out. I was 11 or twelve). But they didn't like them as much as me and my friends did. Eventually my friends stopped using theirs, too.

I like to take mine out in public now, just not to school. Sometimes when we go out to eat I'll set my tama on the table or I will play around with it while we are waiting for our food.

I still use my tamagotchis around my friends. They dont really care. One of my friends actually bought me my first Music Star for Christmas!

I guess it doesnt matter if you play with tamagotchis as long as you have good friends and hide them if you use them @ school :(

I'm 18 and I got tamas!!

But I don't care what they say ,if they say something I'll answer bad things! :D lol

But they didn't say anything :D

Hmm.... I really don't know. o_O;

I DO still like them, except my Tamagotchi Music Star has been sitting on my desk, paused, for, like, EVER. XD

But I don't view them as a bad thing, really~

I had a tama craze at my school too! all of my bffs and me would play with them at recess, lunch, or have sleepovers just so we could connect them all night. but now everyones over them so they would think im a freak if i told them i still play with tamas. i hate how people would think that... ugh its so frustrating!

I love my Gotchi, and when school starts I'm going to bring it. I don't care what people think. It's a toy. People bring DS's and PSP's to school, I should be able to bring my handheld game...

Being a social outcast isn't so bad. Just make friends with all the other social outcasts. There must be a lot of them if this is how critical society is....... but seriously, none of my friends are 'popular' but i have so many friends that it doesn't matter! what i think is socially unacceptable is when people always wear and do the same exact thing.....have some originality, ppl! ;)

Being a social outcast isn't so bad. Just make friends with all the other social outcasts. There must be a lot of them if this is how critical society is....... but seriously, none of my friends are 'popular' but i have so many friends that it doesn't matter! what i think is socially unacceptable is when people always wear and do the same exact thing.....have some originality, ppl! :huh:


People can be so weird sometimes if someone makes fun of you for playing with tamas!

Then they are a little messed up in the head! Lol



People can be so weird sometimes if someone makes fun of you for playing with tamas!

Then they are a little messed up in the head! Lol


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