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o_o *removed*
You know its not like you have to post your

own thoughts every time bud. o.o

She was just posting some interesting info that some

people might want to know.

Besides the only wasting space done here is spam.

And that wasn't spam. o_o
That was a definition. Anyone can prope open a dictionary.

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That only wasted space. :\ Defining someone doesnt prove a point. Espically on this topic of discussion.
I simply did it because Pyonchitchi seemed confused as to what it meant. My apologies for 'wasting space'.

Weeeellll, used in context as something that oppresses you...

I don't find it wasted space. Pointing out other people's mistakes wastes space too. :D

Everyone loves society. <3 Admit it; society is the best thing ever to complain about. :D

As far as 'no respect,' (as far as oppinions) I think that it just comes with individuality (I come to think of it as a by-product.)

If you think about a perfect society, where people respect each other and never argue and always are tactful, ("The Giver," anyone?) they aren't really individual. They all agree on everything, probably wear the same things, and it's perfect.

Perfectly horrid.

I hate how superficial society is... I don't need to look like a supermodel to be happy! Anyway, a lot of models are anorexic or bulimic. sp? Who wants to look up to that?! :| Another thing is that we are causing global warming. Any of you see the inconvienent truth? Woa! Scary man... ^_^
YEAH! So, you're thin, but all the acid from your vomit rots your teeth and you might get seriously ill from lack of nourishment and so much disruption in your stomach! And who wants to stick their fingers down their throat anyway?

Same with anorexia! I-

heheh, I won't rant on about it now...hrm hrm...

I think society sucks. There's barely any decent people. I mean, FIVE YEAR OLD KIDS in my school say the F-word every day. Even the teachers say it. It makes me feel kinda queasy.

I think society sucks. There's barely any decent people. I mean, FIVE YEAR OLD KIDS in my school say the F-word every day. Even the teachers say it. It makes me feel kinda queasy.
Yeaah! So many little kids swear nowadays.

>.< don't there parents tell them there "Bad words"?!

Yeaah! So many little kids swear nowadays.>.< don't there parents tell them there "Bad words"?!
Parents these days don't seem to care on how their kids act. They let them run loose, swear and so on. Then feel bad in the future for what happens to them.

Parents should at least spend some time with their kids more, rather then using TV as a baby sitter. At a store, I heard a 11 year old yell the N word to his sister.

Parents these days don't seem to care on how their kids act. They let them run loose, swear and so on. Then feel bad in the future for what happens to them.
Parents should at least spend some time with their kids more, rather then using TV as a baby sitter. At a store, I heard a 11 year old yell the N word to his sister.
O.O -Gasp-!

The N word! -gasp-

Sometimes I wonder what some parents teach there kids...<<

And even though I do swear...I'm respectful

of the people around me and where I am.

~Won't swear at home

~Near some of my friends

~Young children (Like it matters anymore -.-")

~In class

~And on Tamatalk xD

It's pretty sad, isn't it?

Most cause it's that parents are pretty lazy to watch their kids now adays. Alot of kids today also don't know how good and easy their lives are these days, compiare to a child in the 1800's or traveling the range by stage coach. Hardships and chores paid off for them, however.

Not all people do live with tech in the world. Amish people choose not to use any sorts of that in their life style. They use the simpilest tools of the trade to live by. They're use to it also.

Parents also let their kids get away with lot of things also more in these times.

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It's pretty sad, isn't it?
Most cause it's that parents are pretty lazy to watch their kids now adays. Alot of kids today also don't know how good and easy their lives are these days, compiare to a child in the 1800's or traveling the range by stage coach. Hardships and chores paid off for them, however.

Not all people do live with tech in the world. Amish people choose not to use any sorts of that in their life style. They use the simpilest tools of the trade to live by. They're use to it also.

Parents also let their kids get away with lot of things also more in these times.
Especialy if they just shove their kids off to day care everyday. There's nothing wrong with day care and I know in some cases it's nessacary, but this is where the kids learn these things if mom and dad aren't ever around. Some does come from the parent because kids are like spounges and I don't think some of these parents care either way.

Yes, it's very sad.

Especialy if they just shove their kids off to day care everyday. There's nothing wrong with day care and I know in some cases it's nessacary, but this is where the kids learn these things if mom and dad aren't ever around. Some does come from the parent because kids are like spounges and I don't think some of these parents care either way.
Yes, it's very sad.
Alot of parents now adays work. Daycares and preschool is perfect, rather then finding a sitter who'd watch the kid all day until the said parent comes home.

Spongeboby - I think alot of people should control their hormones.

Alot of parents now adays work. Daycares and preschool is perfect, rather then finding a sitter who'd watch the kid all day until the said parent comes home.
But at least a sitter can watch them closer than a few adults with 100 children.

Oh well. Either way, I think everybody could use more time with their family.

But at least a sitter can watch them closer than a few adults with 100 children.
Oh well. Either way, I think everybody could use more time with their family.

It's also surprising about how many parents have two jobs nowadays.

And they always say the same thing: "I want the best for my kids!"

But is it really the best thing? Spoiling your kids with lots of goodies.

Like I know so many kids that have like 2 Ipods a pretty expensive cell phone...

And all that other expensive stuff that there parents are ALWAYS willing to buy them.

I find it kinda depressing that there parents always think that giving them whatever

they want will always make them happy.

It's also surprising about how many parents have two jobs nowadays.

And they always say the same thing: "I want the best for my kids!"

But is it really the best thing? Spoiling your kids with lots of goodies.

Like I know so many kids that have like 2 Ipods a pretty expensive cell phone...

And all that other expensive stuff that there parents are ALWAYS willing to buy them.

I find it kinda depressing that there parents always think that giving them whatever

they want will always make them happy.
Well, most parents who have two jobs do that so they can afford to pay the morgage on their home and pay bills and stuff. I think it's rather the family who has only one parent working, who gets paid very highly who get spoiled. At least, that's how it works where I live. All the kids I know who have both parents working full time (like me) don't really get spoiled. We don't have iPods, or 100 dollar pairs of pants, or stuff like that. But then, the kids who have a very highly paid father have a ton of fancy really expensive things that they bring to school. And the kids who have mother's who stay at home and stuff, always swear all the time. They say, "My mom doesn't like it when I swear, she gets really angry at me." So of course, that means they swear at school all the time. My parents don't care what I say, but I still don't go around saying bad things at home or at school.

In my opinion, all kids should be going to preschool regularly by the time they're three years old. It gets them prepared for kindergarden (I could read and do simple math by the time I was three, because I went to preschool) and it teaches them how to get along with children their age. Not just baby siblings who can't even talk or walk or do anything. Not just older siblings who have to be nice to them. It teaches them to get along with other kids their age, who are trying to learn how to share just like them. Under the age of three, I think it's probably good to send your kid to preschool if they're about two and appear to have trouble socializing with other people. But otherwise, it really just depends on your home situation. I've been going to 'school' since I was six months old. When I was in preschool, my parents would drop me off at before school care at around 6:00, but then my mom would come home around 4:00 so she could pick me and my brother up and spend time with her family. And my dad would try to come home as early as he could too.

Also, some bad kids need to be punished also. Some parents don't even punish their kids anymore these days.

You do see perfect kids in these days. Very rarely, however you hear a kid saying "thank you" or "please".

Also, some bad kids need to be punished also. Some parents don't even punish their kids anymore these days.
You do see perfect kids in these days. Very rarely, however you hear a kid saying "thank you" or "please".
I always say "Please" and "Thank you". There are some kids at my school who just walk up to the lunch window. put some money on the counter and say "I want some chocolate ice cream." The volunteer (we don't have lunch lady's, it's parent volunteers who work at the lunch windows.) will get them what they want, and then the kid just walks away, not saying anything.

I always say "Please" and "Thank you". There are some kids at my school who just walk up to the lunch window. put some money on the counter and say "I want some chocolate ice cream." The volunteer (we don't have lunch lady's, it's parent volunteers who work at the lunch windows.) will get them what they want, and then the kid just walks away, not saying anything.
Ugh. You don't even know how much that angers me when I see that. <<;

I got punched in the arm by a girl because of that sort of thing once o_o These girls who I hang out with in the library were making fun of my hair, so I said "Please stop saying that." and Brittany said "Ok, I'm sorry..." but the other Rachel said "No! Don't say sorry! You have to be tough!" and I said "Gee, would it kill you to think about being polite for once?(she's constantly acting like that)" and she hit me in the arm.

On the pre-school notion: I don't think kids should have to go to pre-school. I never did.

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It's also surprising about how many parents have two jobs nowadays.

And they always say the same thing: "I want the best for my kids!"

But is it really the best thing? Spoiling your kids with lots of goodies.

Like I know so many kids that have like 2 Ipods a pretty expensive cell phone...

And all that other expensive stuff that there parents are ALWAYS willing to buy them.

I find it kinda depressing that there parents always think that giving them whatever

they want will always make them happy.
I know....all my friends have really expensive ones and we're all only ten or nine. Shame. WHY DO THEY NEED THEM? I mean, all they do is play games or send texts saying stuff like "hi"

My friend says she needs it in case she gets kidnapped. This is ridiculous because:

1. Its never gonna happen

2. Why would someone want to kidnap her?

3. She always drives everywhere, so no chance.


I know....all my friends have really expensive ones and we're all only ten or nine. Shame. WHY DO THEY NEED THEM? I mean, all they do is play games or send texts saying stuff like "hi"
My friend says she needs it in case she gets kidnapped. This is ridiculous because:

1. Its never gonna happen

2. Why would someone want to kidnap her?

3. She always drives everywhere, so no chance.

YEAH! Like oh my gosh!

The parents always say: "Use them in case of an Emergency"

But the kids never do...>.o Like you said, they just play

games on them and text each other in class! =o lol

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