Someone please help me!


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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2006
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I somehow scratched my screen on my Entama how can I remove the scratch??? :rolleyes: <_<

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Sorr yeveryone this is in th wrong Topic... :rolleyes: Can someone move it? sry <_<

Yes it is in the wrong section, but a guide can move it I will try to answer it.

Well It really depends how big and deep the scratch is, if its only small and hasnt made a gash into the screen you can do a few things. I would suggest to get a damp cloth and softly wipe it. It wont completely remove it, but it will help if the scratches are small.


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The screens are plastic, so there isn't really much you can do. If you know someone who has a tamagotchi they don't want, or a defective one, you can take the screen from that one.

You could try a little wax, not candle wax, but floor wax (ask your Mom if she has any) and rub that in. It MIGHT help.

You really do have to be careful with them. Mine are all sort of scratched up.

You could send it in to Bandai and ask them to replace it or take a broken Tamagotchi and replace the screen.

If none of the above suggestions work, take another tamagotchi you that's worthless to you (Or maybe you're just not using it, like if your damaged is a v3 and one in perfect condition is v1) Just perform tama surgery and switch screens, Please, know what you're doing before you do so, though...Unscrew the back, unscrew the four tiny screws you see then, then unscrew the circuit board. Dont touch the lcd screen, but the plastic screen. Switch them, screw everything back together. If you need details, PM me.

We once had scratches on our door but when we rubbed it with warm water and a cloth, it went.

However if it is a deep cut, i don't really know what you could do, sorry!

PM me if you need more help!



If it's small then get a damp cloth and wipe it. It will help. Or try asking someone like your parents for help.

Also, if it is a small cut, be careful with how much water you use, you don't want to fully wreck your tama!



if i ever get a scratch on my tama's screen i just use a wipe and the scratch comes right off! if that doesnt work for you then i think you should use a damp cloth and try that. :angry:


--xPrettyInPinkx 94

I lick my finger and wipe it. Then I dry it with my shirt. WARNING: Only do this on your own tama!! It's gross, but it works.

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