something wrong happened with my tamagotchi!


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Jun 25, 2007
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ok here is the story.

i was trying to pick out a job for my tamagotchi but then the next thing you know it it rejected the job and the pet went back home. then when i pressed the B button to go to work but it was just rejecting it.

what happened?!?!?!?!

please i need to know.


Most likely, your Tamagotchi was not qualified for the job, and was rejected by the judges. You'll get new job offers tomorrow.

You have 5 jobs to choose from, if you try all of them and they don't work your tama will go home, if you don't push the middle button as soon as you see the first job it will go home also, you need at least 80 skill points in one category to get a good job.

You have 5 jobs to choose from, if you try all of them and they don't work your tama will go home, if you don't push the middle button as soon as you see the first job it will go home also, you need at least 80 skill points in one category to get a good job.
Well, that's not necesarily true. My holly only had skill points of 39, 61 and 42, and yet she got a job as a fire(wo)man.

youll get another chance to find a job. press the c or a button to move from place to place. total of offers=5. im having the same prob with my tama. he has lotsa skills, but cant get a job after 3 days of trying to get one. :D

wat happended with mine...this is the story

ine day i was on the phone with my friend ashley and all of a sudden my tamagptchi Renee(v4)bepped like if it wanted something and when i looked i sceammed its was the machmaker!!!i was so happy and like 5secons later it went away i was soooooooooooooo pised!!!pls help i dont knoe where she went help pls :eek:

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