Somethings wrong...


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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2008
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When my Tamagotchi got married by the matchmaker, two vertical lines showed up where the person my Tamagotchi was about to marry was. Then my screen went blank and those two vertical lines showed again, except this time nothing else was on the screen but the lines. Then the screen went blank and didn't come back on.

So I took out the batteries and put them back in cause they were brand new, I just got them a couple of weeks ago. So then the Matchmaker came again and everything went fine.

A generation passed and when the matchmaker came the vertical lines showed up again in place of my Tamagotchi's match. But the screen didn't go blank. So my Tamagotchi had its baby and is standing next to it right now.

But when I look on the my items list, the 12 item has the vertical lines instead of a trumpet. What the heck is going on? Has anyone else experienced this? PLEASE HELP ME!

You have a case of the Matchmaker glitch. The matchmaker shows up with pixels/lines and sometimes marrying them results in the Tama freezing. But sometimes it doesn't.

I think you might have a glitch with the item. Usually the vert. lines in your items/food shows up with the Ball glitch, like what happened to me. Do you have a a strange amount of balls in your food/items?

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I have no balls in my food/items group except for the one ball that I bought at the store (thank god!).

And I think some of the freezing stuff might be because I've dropped my Tamagotchi a number of times ( :rolleyes: ).

Thanks I Can Has Tamagotchi? for the help!

be very careful not to drop your tama anymore or you may hav to get a new tama. my sister once dropped hers on the ground and she was freaking out because she thought there was a feather on the screen. turns out that the screen(on the inside) broke and she had to buy a new one.

my sis was crying the rest of the day because she got an extremely cute character!

You just have a glitch. It's sorta happened to me before. Whenever the matchmaker came and I pressed a button, the screen would freeze. :blink:

oh. my sister just told me that she got the glitch twice. she said that the first time the matchmaker came she went to check it out and it just had ottokitchi in the center of the screen and it froze like that. she reset it and it worked again. but then the next generation came and she said she saw the matchmaker and squiggly lines. she reset it AGAIN(now got really bored of it happening) and there was no glitch! yay! her tama is just fine now.

Well, That happens when you drop your Tamagotchi often. Do you?

Anyways, or like members mentioned it could be the Matchmaker glitch. Good luck and I hope I helped a teensy bit :puroperatchi:

I have no balls in my food/items group except for the one ball that I bought at the store (thank god!).
And I think some of the freezing stuff might be because I've dropped my Tamagotchi a number of times ( :furawatchi: ).

Thanks I Can Has Tamagotchi? for the help!
Your'e very welcome, Yellowmoodtama! :blink:

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