Sometimes it dosen't go as planned!


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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2005
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Main Characters (they are all friends!):

:ichigotchi: This is Tara. Tara is a very bossy but fun Ichigotchi. She has a secret crush on Danny and is very pretty!

:mametchi: This Sara, Tara's older sister. She is partly the opposite to Tara. She is calm, quiet, peaceful and lets her friends have their own way too!

:hitodetchi: This is Ally. Everybody teases her because she can't jump, but she just makes sure she keeps them out of her way. She is a bit like Sara, but she dosen't have as much friends

:mimitchi: This is Peace. Peace is Sara's nearly identical twin, so they share the same personality and interests!

:furawatchi: This is Danny. What he dosen't know is that Tara has a secret crush on him because he saved her life once. Danny is one of the coolst Propellerchi's you have ever met!!

Tara leaned forwards in her chair and tried to look at the answers that Penny had wrote down on her match's test sheet. "Tara!" barked Miss Brown "What on earth do you think you are doing??" "Urh... Nothing miss!" Tara quickly replied and looked down on her sheet. Tara was sometimes a cheat, and she wasn't very good at maths, so she was quite unpopular sometimes.

At breaktime Tara met up with one of her friends, Penny. "You got into some trouble, didn't you?" giggled Penny. "STOP IT" Tara groaned. They went and sat under a willow tree by the river. Tara loved to sit by the river. It reminded her of her fish that passed away, Adee. Then the two girls heard a shouting of "THERE COMES JUMPLESS!!!!" from a group of boys. They stood up to take a closer look and found that they were surrounding a Hitodetchi, who had her arms folded. "That's Ally!" exclaimed Penny "She's new to the school, but she can't jump. Maybe that is why they are teasing her." They went forwards and Tara patted one of the boys lightly. He turned around sharply "Whadda you want?" he quickly asked "Stop teasing her!" shouted Tara before Penny could speak "Shhh.... Tara" whispered Penny. He then became furious "YOU KNOW WHAT?!..." he was then cut off by a thumping noise which knocked him to the ground. Ally had kicked him "Well I can't jump but I am a pretty good fighter!" she said, then slouched off.


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