Sonics Story


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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2005
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I bought Sonic on the 16th of july 2005, he was a boy and played a few games of jump with me, he grew to a Marutchi and he has been sick 3 times since, last night he went to sleep at 7:30 pm and woke up at 8:00am this morning...

he has 2 training things and I have 210p, Sonic isnt willing to play games now, but he does ocasionally, when I pet him he does nothing unless he is upset, in which case, he jumps for joy...I have the ball toy and I have entered all the secret codes, I fed him some cherrys and he was super happy, but right now he is just jumping around a bit...

Sonic just got to round 2 on the bumper game, but he lost, now we have 255p, has anyone noticed that when you put your ear to your tamagotchi you here a beeping noise that you dont hear normally? I have... Sonic weights 12lb, its my ideal weight target :rolleyes:

Sonic has been playing Bump and Jump a lot, he is getting better, the secret to get im to play is, mmake him 13-15 lb and then let him work itoff, he plays when he is over weigt, but he loses more weight, he won a game in jump, and I got 50 p, now I have a total of 545 p, yay!!!

Went out andbought a micro baby thing, Sonic seemed content while we were out, I introduced him to Bailiey my micro baby, Baily gigled when I said Sonic's name and sonic rolled around when he met her...he is dancing now (Sonic not bailey) Sonic will probably change into a teen around midday, I'll update soon....

YAY Sonic turned into an appelgotchi thingy while I was at the park, I connected with my cousins tamagotchi but Sonic kept giving his snakes and poo as presents and when ever we played a game, I won

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YAY!!! go team go! today is sports day, I payed my lil sis 60 pence to look after Sonic who went to bed at half seven lastnight and he is still a-sleep now (8:30am) I am in the long jump and even though he cant talk, I know Sonc will be cheering me on, yay!!! more updates around 3:00 am cus thats when I get to go home today...

P.S. found out what Sonic's teen form is really called, Ringotchi, not applegotchi as I first thought

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Back from sports day, Sonic didnt have much attention payed to him, he was pretty content and he seemed happy when we got home (he did a lil dance) so all is well so far...

not much going on, Sonic had a toothache, I watched tv and Sonic danced and we both had out diner at the sae time....

I dont know what happened to Sonic today, I was out with school, but I will never trust my lil sis with him again, tomorrow I am going to take him to school with me... when I got home he had been on pause for an hour or so my sis says and his happy hearts were down twoand his hungry was down one...poor Sonic...

today I had a half day at school, when I came home Sonic was cool, my lil sis took better care of him today, he is 3 years old and his traiing status is 6! YAY!!! I bought Sonic some darts today, he cant play with them yet though, its all cool...

I feel so b ad, yesterday I left Sonic behind while I went swimming and when I got back he had one happy heart left and two ungry hearts left, I restored him but then he did poo and I didnt notice so two of his happy hearts went down, so I had to restor them too, and last night I had a dream that Sonnic died, how weird is that, I pray it isnt a preminiton, but on the plus side, Sonic now has eight training thingys, the bar is almost full ,and he is due to evolve today!!!

YAY!!!! when he woke up Sonic turned into a hanatchi, I put the costume on him but I couldnt get if off so I had to set the time forward so he slept then I turned it back and he was back to normal, yay I found otu how!!! I am gonna put the wings on him

Sonic is cool, I am a bit worried that the matchmaker might come soon, I dont know any girl tamas but I know my friends tamas, my firned Tommy has named his Tom and my friend Katy has named her one Tommy, whats with the Tom like names any wya, my tama is happy but I lost him the other day, I was near the train station and I lost Sonic in some tall grass, it took Me, my two sisters, Katy, Max and Max's grandad to finf him, it took ages but my big sis found him for me!!!! :p


a LOT has happened, but I have been banned from the comp so I couldnt tell ya, until now, right, here's how it goes...

The matchmaker came but I didnt know cus Sonic was in my pocket, she gave me a baby boy anyway, Sonic stayed for a day and dissapeared in the night when I was a-sleep, I named my new tama Yukio, he was a baby, marutchi then a Hinotamatchi, I didnt take as much care of him as I did Sonic, I have been busy and I have to leave him for hours at a time!

this is the last entry in Sonic's story, as it will no longer be about Sonic, so I will start a new log but make it about all my tamas... it shall be called, Tama Tales, ciao for now!

Tama Girl.
