"SORRY! LIST FULL!". I don't think so.


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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2008
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I have a v4.5 Tamagotchi and if I connect it with another on present mode, it keeps saying "SORRY!! LIST FULL!!". And if I try to buy something or enter a code at the shop, it makes the unavailable beep noise. I don't have any items at all. I've tried resetting it, but it never works. ;)

Have you wrapped any items? That might be why. Also, for the shop problem, do you have any gotchi points? If you don't have enough gotchi points, you won't be able to buy the item you are willing to purchase. :D

It's not just the items list that matters. There are several lists (Meals, Snacks, Items, Friends.) If any one if them is full, you'll get that message.

My Tamagotchi only has one friend, and even if I have enough Gotchi Points, I can't buy anything from the shop. I have no bought food or items

Make sure you are the one who presses the B button when you you connect. Maybe the other Tama has too many items.

That happend to me too! Try downloading it and if it did not work, reset it. Thats what I did and it worked. I hope it helped!

That actually happened to me on my V5.5 too. There wasn't anything I could do about it, I think you just need a new Tamagotchi.


It's not just the items list that matters. There are several lists (Meals, Snacks, Items, Friends.) If any one if them is full, you'll get that message.
This worked for me! TY so much!

My Tamagotchi is fixed, so you don't really need to worry about me. But thanks! You all can still post stuff to help other people! ;)

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