Space... Don't you think it's amazing?


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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2008
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Somewhere over the rainbow....
I mean, outer space. How big can it get? Do you think there's aliens? Maybe there could be other "Universes"? The stars, The Big Bang, Nebulae, And even black holes! It's unbelievable. But do you think it's real? I dreamed once that I turned into the Moon. But that's just off-topic. So, what do ya think?

Spill it. xD

Its the year of astronomy this year, so we're doing so much work on space and all its galaies and planets at school. We did this black hole chalk painting, lol.

But yeah, it is amazing. Like seriously, I can't imagine anything that can't not end. No, it's just scary. I used to think the moon was made of cheese... but now, I am EDUCATED. Lol.

Wow....this will make my head urt

Has time always existed? It's had to have...but then, how did it begin? When? I mean, it's gonna have to have begun....but then, how is to endless? Will it ever end? Something has to end! And the did it never exist? there must have been something! There can't have been just nothing.....or could there? Will it be endless? And, is it actually endless? As in, if you travel along, is there no end?

Okay, after that mind boggling questiion string, lets have some of my other thoughts

There is most probably other life forms out there. I mean, our planet can't be the only planet out of billions to have living things on!

Eh, I'll post more later, when I can be bothered

Its the year of astronomy this year, so we're doing so much work on space and all its galaies and planets at school. We did this black hole chalk painting, lol.
But yeah, it is amazing. Like seriously, I can't imagine anything that can't not end. No, it's just scary. I used to think the moon was made of cheese... but now, I am EDUCATED. Lol.
Oh don't be silly, Ksenia. The moon's made of marzipan.

Anyway, space just seriously freaks me out. There could be anything, even like, parallel universes. I wonder if I'll ever meet myself there. How did it begin? Why did it begin? If you get out of the universe, what's there going to be? What was it like before?

Oh, I'm going all confusing like Bethie now xD

Has time always existed? It's had to have...but then, how did it begin? When? I mean, it's gonna have to have begun....but then, how is to endless? Will it ever end? Something has to end! And the did it never exist? there must have been something! There can't have been just nothing.....or could there? Will it be endless? And, is it actually endless? As in, if you travel along, is there no end?
Hiya. I got a book today, and it said that (this is based on the 'Big Bang' theory) that before the Big Bang there was no time; the Big Bang created time. Just a point!

I was chatting to my mum the other say, and I was wondering where the universe expanded into if the Universe is the largest thing ever? The whole idea of space and stuff really makes you realise how insignificant we actually are, when you think of the Solar System's history spanning 4 billion years easy!


Meh... Space/Astronomy fails to interest me... I don't believe in aliens or anyother life form. I'm just sad that Pluto's gone... I got an A in the Space unit last year 'cause I'm amazing. It was kinda boring though. BUt 0 gravity-ness is awesome.

[SIZE=27pt]R.I.P. Pluto[/SIZE]

In our Science lessons, people keep reciting the phrase 'In space, no-one can hear you scream' when we do space, and someone even got it into a lesson where we were talking about sound waves or something! Mad.

I know! Space is so cool. I just can't imagine it never ending, that's so amazing.. and all the stars, the planets and stuff, how it all was first created... and how earth is the perfect distance from the Sun to support's so cool.

Space PWNs. But it must suck to be an astronaut, they get space sick a lot.

I used to be like obsessed with astronomy in the fifth grade. I even asked for a telescope. O;

Space equals epic win.

I love how when you see a star, you're actually seeing it from five thousand years ago. Because of light being slow and all that. 'Tis amazing, if you ask me. It's like, creepyful. And I was always an educated little girlie with the moon. I never believed it was made of cheese, despite my classmates insisting that it was. Rebel child was right. 8D

I believe in the big bang. I love astronomy. I'm an astronomy nerd. I love it. My grandad has so many telescopes and big books and stuff. I love going to his place.

The stars are closer than that Esther!

I like making theories that harm peoples brains!

Well in school they said our universe was like 13,000,000,000 light-years big or something, could be bigger, could be smaller, but it definitely had a 13 in, and apparently it's still growing...

I can't get my head around how big it is, and the fact that our Galaxy (The Milky Way) has more stars than grains of sand on Earth... did someone count?

But yeah, Space gives me a headache.

If it never ends then where does it come from? Is there more than one 'Universe' or do you get to the end and hit a wall? Or do you go through a portal into a new place? Is it just white? Is there other life? Where did it come from? If the world is eternal then where did it come from? Is there a begining and end or is it on a continuous loop. Was there a more advanced life form living on the planet before the big bang? I have so many questions and so little answers.

I love studies about space,i don't believe that other lifeforms exists in space but i love astronomy,the stars,the big bang,the moon craters,the meteorites,asteroids in asteroid belt, and other thingies about space, i study about it^.^.The first man who walk in the moon,Neil Armstrong.The first man to circle the Earth,Yuri Gagarin

Space is really hard to think about when you try to wrap your mind around the idea that it goes on forever. I wish I had a good telescope to look out at night; that would be great. :D

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