Speaking of shoes...


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Aubrey Hepburn

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
Kansas, U.S.A.
I was shopping at a market the other day where you can purchase items and goods from all over the world. I love that store and they always have so many amazing things. I was just browsing around when I saw these shoes that were handmade in India and I LOVED them! My boyfriend, who happens to be Indian, thought they were really nice, too, so I purchased them. I don't have anything else like them and they are so unique, I've already gotten compliments on them. :D



I think I'm going to start wearing them everywhere. And, I love how they match my nailpolish. :D

What do you guys think about wearing jewelry and other items from around the world? Do you have some cool, unique finds?

Hmm....Nice but not really my taste, no offence. I love Indian jewellery! India has all the good clothes stuff!! I used to have friends from Libya, they dressed in normal t-shirt and jeans and stuff like that but their mum wears nice Libyan stuff and it looks very nice. And no, I don't have any foreign things :D

Those shoes are beautiful ^__^

I love things from other countries. Especially the jewelry <3

They Are So Pretty...And They Do Match Your Nailpolish

The Only Forgien Thing I Have Is A Shirt From The Usa.

Those shoes are beautiful. It's so incredible that somebody could make those with their own bare hands.

I love the Indian-inspired theme, and the way they match your toenail-polish! :D


When I travelled to Indonesia, I found many finds from the Banana Republic and Ralph Lauren. They were gorgous materials, with beautiful Indonesian-inspired patterns, and all costed very little money.

And most of our wooden carvings and blankets were bargain-finds from Indonesia and Mexico. Score!

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I don't have any foreign thing. The shoes are beautiful, but I don't think I would ever wear anything like that. And I don't have any foreign things.

I <3 those shoes, they are now mine. >D xD

They look soo comfortable- especially since it's sumer, that should be good. ^-^

Plus- Nice toenail varnish!? xD

i like them, but there not my style.im not

trying to be rude or antying.everybody has

different tastes.not my fault i have a differet

taste,lol :angry: Also i luv getting souviners from different


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Oh..my..god..those shoes... are...HOT!! ;) Awesome!! And, I have the EXACT same nail polish color! Niice...

The shoes look really nice. They look comftorble too. ^.^


I have a few foreign things. I have a doll from Japan, a dress from Japan, a doll from Irland, a Poncho from England, and several other foreign things.

Good choice of shoes ;] They're gorgeous.

No, I don't have anything from around the world, sadly. I might have a couple things that I don't recall, but other than that, no. I have an Indian pouch from Nana, but that's about it.

Thanks guys!! Yep I loves em. :p

They are actually very comfortable and lovely to wear. The space between my big toe and my second toe is kinda wide, so I can wear thong-sandals without them rubbing and bothering my feet. I live in open-toe shoes pretty much all year. Even in the snow. hehee

The store I go to is called World Market. I wonder if it's just local, or anyone else has one?

Thanks guys!! Yep I loves em. ^_^
They are actually very comfortable and lovely to wear. The space between my big toe and my second toe is kinda wide, so I can wear thong-sandals without them rubbing and bothering my feet. I live in open-toe shoes pretty much all year. Even in the snow. hehee

The store I go to is called World Market. I wonder if it's just local, or anyone else has one?
Oh, we have one of those here! And my cousin from South Carolina said they had one too, and my mom said they had one in Idaho when she went to visit my uncle.

I don't think I have any foreign things that I wear.

Oh my gosh, Aubery, they are awesome. I ... Want ... Those ... Shoes...

I have a set of gold Indian bangles that I am wearing now. I am wearing 24 of them actually. all on my right wrist. I love Indian bangles. XD

I think they're pretty! The colors go great with your pedicure. Definitely a good buy.

I don't have foreign shoes myself; well, yeah, I guess I do if I count my Dr. Martens.

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