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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2006
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If anyone wants to move this post somewhere u can since im not sure where to put this under

i dont want to use it yet but just asking to make sure but is cuckoo clock and rc car2 ruseable?

and also is the pen and clone used ____ how many times? i know it can be used more than once though...

and this isn't really my topic but how many times does the store restock each day and when is there a sale??

Sorry if fomeone posted this at anytime but i just come on couple times a week

. :( .

I don't know about the clock, but the race car is reuseable. The clone is used over and over, and I have never seen or heard of a pen. If it is like the pencil, you can only use it once. There is a topic about the cookoo clock somewhere, if you can find it. And the store restocks like normal during a sale.

I got the pen from this site...its from the DS game including the clone

Heres the password if u need it

63532 86367

The only things my pyonkotchi used the pen was drawing an acorn and writing with a speech bubble above his head

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