Spelling Bee...


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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2005
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We had a spelling bee today and I got EVERY SINGLE ONE WRONG!!! I'm the only dyslexic in my class and I got REALYYYY HARED WORDS!!!


Ugh...gosh, poor you. O_O

Well, never mind....I'm not that good at spelling either. xD I look up nearly every single word I use on wikipedia to make sure I've spelt it right and every twenty seconds I'm lke "MOMMMM, HOW DO YOU SPELL [insert word here]????"

Spelling bee? What the heck is that? :)

Well, anyway, don't worry, I can't spell either! But on our spelling test tomorrow, there's one I'll definitly get right- binary!!! ^_^ Yes, binary is one of our spellings! :)

Spelling bee? What the heck is that? :) Well, anyway, don't worry, I can't spell either! But on our spelling test tomorrow, there's one I'll definitly get right- binary!!! ^_^ Yes, binary is one of our spellings! :)



I couldn't spell "pachyderm" *checks spelling book* and everyone was giggling :) I spelt it paciderem xDD
Don't worry, that's a really hard one, especially for a kid. :) I'm sure there are [more important] things that you are much better at. Being dyslexic shouldn't make you feel bad or left out, no-one should laugh at a good attempt to spell a really hard word. ^_^

Spelling bee? What the heck is that? :( Well, anyway, don't worry, I can't spell either! But on our spelling test tomorrow, there's one I'll definitly get right- binary!!! :( Yes, binary is one of our spellings! :mimitchi:
A kind of test to see who is the best/how good you are at spelling.

Don't worry, that's a really hard one, especially for a kid. :) I'm sure there are [more important] things that you are much better at. Being dyslexic shouldn't make you feel bad or left out, no-one should laugh at a good attempt to spell a really hard word. :)
>smiles bravely<

I sit next to a brainbox xDDD

>smiles bravely<
I sit next to a brainbox xDDD
Ahh, unlucky you... I'm a moron. Don't believe me? You don't wanna hear my geography test score...

i am bad at spelling to.when i'm writing a letter i get really nevous and forget how to spell really easy words

hmmm i dont spell lol i would just rather spell chek hmmmm and when i do ok for exapel

this is wat its spose to be : is a bundel of neavers in your eye

after spell chek : is a bundel of beavers in your eyes lol how funny

I couldn't spell "pachyderm" *checks spelling book* and everyone was giggling ;) I spelt it paciderem xDD
I don't even know what a pachyderm is o.o' If I don't know what a word means, I can't spell it.

I would have gotten that wrong as well xP

I don't even know what a pachyderm is o.o' If I don't know what a word means, I can't spell it.
I would have gotten that wrong as well xP
An elephant is an example of a packyderm.

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