Stage fright....


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Skyway Avenue

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2008
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I have REALLY bad stage fright and I need to get rid of it. It's not so much speaking in front of crowds or acting, but singing.

See, my sister was the very first one to hear my singing and she gave me my first comments on my singing. And of course, the first comments are always the most effective comments. She always told me I was terrible and was like "AAAH DONT SING!!!" and so I stopped singing for a long time. I would sing, but only if I was alone and nobody could hear me.

So now I'm the most stage fright ever. I have sung in front of, what? 3 people (one of them by mistake) and they all told me I was really good. Still, I can't even sing in front of one person, not even when I'm walking somewhere and I pass by one person, I either keep singing, but I look down, or my voice will falter to a stop.

Do you know how to get rid of stage fright? I really wanna be a singer/actress but I'm only halfway there.

Just imagine the audience in their underwear.

Hmm.. I guess it's about getting used to these things.

I suggest you just practice performing for an audiance... that's all I could actually reccomend.

Something I have too...

One thing I've learned. DON'T look at the audience. Pay attention to what is happening on stage or if you HAVE to look out, look at the wall. My parents made me sing at my aunts funeral. I was singing a really sad song, and I felt like bursting into tears. I kept looking at the clock behind everyone, that's what helped me.

Good luck! =)

^ I agree. ^

I get nervous when I am speaking in front of an audience. Especially when I give a speech. Never, ever look directly at the audience. I know teachers say that, but the more you look, the more nervous you get. Try looking at something that is near the audience, so it looks like you are looking at them. It's something you have to go through.

But, I don't know about singing. I've never sung in front of anyone before. Not even one person. I'm a terrible singer. ;)

What've I learned from experience is the more you perform and such, the easier it will become for you. I remember a few years ago I would literally shake and like gasp because I was so nervous, but today when I had to give a speech, it was so much easier. Practice makes perfect. Each time you are going to feel more and more comfortable. Also, try not to look directly at the person. Like my teacher said, if you are supposed to make eye contact, stare at their foreheads because then it seems like you are looking at them.

Or you could just stare at any random thing next to somebody so they think your actually looking at them

Well, here's what I do when I act...

I don't look at the audience while I'm saying a line. Sometimes, I sneak glances during another character's line, but when it's my turn, I don't look at the audience. Sometimes, however, towards the middle or end of a play, when I'm more comfortable, I do sometimes look at them.

But if you're just trying to get over your stage fright, just look at something behind the audience: the wall, a clock, a poster, anything. Focus on that.

If you are supposed to look at the audience, focus on something other than their eyes or something near them.

I had to spell in front of my whole 5th/6th grade classes last year. I wasn't scared, but it was hard to concentrate.

Try, if there is, looking at the microphone.

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